Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
EU - Europa 3.401
NA - Nord America 2.673
AS - Asia 1.120
SA - Sud America 41
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 12
AF - Africa 9
OC - Oceania 6
Totale 7.262
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 2.620
IE - Irlanda 844
IT - Italia 806
CN - Cina 702
UA - Ucraina 496
SE - Svezia 416
DE - Germania 184
AT - Austria 175
SG - Singapore 132
FR - Francia 120
TR - Turchia 119
GB - Regno Unito 95
FI - Finlandia 92
IN - India 77
NL - Olanda 46
CA - Canada 44
BE - Belgio 30
ES - Italia 28
BR - Brasile 26
PH - Filippine 17
KR - Corea 16
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 14
PT - Portogallo 14
EU - Europa 12
CH - Svizzera 10
CO - Colombia 10
GR - Grecia 9
TH - Thailandia 9
MX - Messico 8
RU - Federazione Russa 7
BD - Bangladesh 6
HK - Hong Kong 6
ID - Indonesia 6
PK - Pakistan 6
CL - Cile 5
HU - Ungheria 5
JP - Giappone 5
NG - Nigeria 4
PL - Polonia 4
VN - Vietnam 4
AU - Australia 3
EG - Egitto 3
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 3
OM - Oman 3
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 2
BN - Brunei Darussalam 2
IR - Iran 2
MY - Malesia 2
RO - Romania 2
BG - Bulgaria 1
BT - Bhutan 1
IL - Israele 1
LC - Santa Lucia 1
LT - Lituania 1
MA - Marocco 1
MO - Macao, regione amministrativa speciale della Cina 1
MT - Malta 1
RS - Serbia 1
TN - Tunisia 1
TW - Taiwan 1
Totale 7.262
Città #
Dublin 791
Chandler 453
Jacksonville 341
Nyköping 317
Dearborn 222
Vienna 174
Nanjing 151
Menlo Park 118
Ann Arbor 109
Santa Clara 98
Beijing 96
Wilmington 89
Princeton 85
Foggia 84
Singapore 80
New York 74
Ashburn 67
Nanchang 61
Rome 57
San Mateo 49
Bari 46
Shenyang 45
Göttingen 43
Helsinki 37
Redwood City 31
Woodbridge 31
Des Moines 30
Hebei 29
Jiaxing 27
Kunming 27
Los Angeles 27
Milan 26
Tianjin 26
Pierrefonds 24
Changsha 23
Brussels 22
Jinan 19
Madrid 19
Hangzhou 18
Wageningen 18
Boardman 17
Shanghai 17
Naples 16
Lavaltrie 15
Seoul 15
Catania 13
Guangzhou 13
Houston 13
Ningbo 12
Orange 12
Auburn Hills 10
Brno 10
San Severo 10
Swindon 10
Zhengzhou 10
Amstelveen 9
Florence 9
Munich 9
Napoli 9
Parabiago 9
Parma 9
Seattle 9
Bologna 8
Hyderabad 8
Latina 8
Cisano Bergamasco 7
London 7
Bitonto 6
Bochum 6
Centro 6
Changchun 6
Galway 6
Hanover 6
Molfetta 6
Norwalk 6
Sevran 6
Stevenage 6
Torino 6
Cagayan de Oro 5
Caivano 5
Gloucester 5
Hilden 5
Lanzhou 5
Mountain View 5
Nuremberg 5
Rivalta di Torino 5
San Giuliano Milanese 5
Sheffield 5
Shenzhen 5
Tha Mai 5
Tours 5
Amsterdam 4
Aprilia 4
Bayreuth 4
Bogotá 4
Catanzaro 4
Cesena 4
Dallas 4
Edegem 4
Edinburgh 4
Totale 4.545
Nome #
Dietary supplements among professional athletes: Food neophobia and marketing strategies to promote edible insects. 679
Le preferenze dei consumatori nei confronti dei prodotti IGP e l'alternativa non certificata: il caso del pomodoro di Pachino 205
Italian Consumers’ Perception towards Insect Food with a Neuromarketing Approach 191
Price determinants of italian extra-virgin olive oil: a hedonic price approach in Biotechnology and quality of olive tree products around the Mediterranean basin 160
Il posizionamento comunicativo delle acque minerali: Un possibile modello interpretativo 149
Economics of Obesity: Nutrition and Physical Activities Substitution Effect 132
Il ruolo della comunicazione e della divulgazione scientifica nel funzionamento di un sistema di ricerca sugli alimenti funzionali 128
Analisi del settore molitorio e pastario in Puglia 119
Indirect Effects of Eco-labelling of agricultural products on Natural Resources 115
Consumer purchasing behaviour towards fish and seafood products. Patterns and insights from a sample of international studies 115
La valutazione del paesaggio 112
Politiche per il distretto del pomodoro da industria e prospettive di gestione delle risorse idriche 110
Supplements consumption, health oriented behaviour and beyond 109
Do health claims add value? The role of functionality, effectiveness and brand. European Review of Agricultural Economics, 109
La disponibilità a pagare per il pomodoro IGP di Pachino: la rilevanza del marchio di origine, Dipartimento PRIME. Università di Foggia 107
Credence attributes and consumer confidence: a TPB analysis including trust 107
Modelli di coordinamento verticale compatibili con lo sviluppo di filiere bio-energetiche 105
Consumer preferences for sustainably produced milk: the importance of certification 105
Emerging trends in European food, diets and food industry 105
Credence Attributes’ Valuation and Price Dispersion: Quantile Regression vs. Stochastic Frontier – an Application to Health Claims in Yogurts. 103
Consumers' visual attention for functional food products - an exploratory study from a sample of Italian consumers 103
Consumers' acceptance and preferences for nutrition-modified and functional dairy products: A systematic review 101
Il marketing territoriale in La valorizzazione dei prodotti tipici della Capitanata e del Gargano in un’ottica di marketing territoriale: la filiera della pasta biologica Progetto di ricerca finanziato dal Ministero delle Politiche Agricole e Forestali ANNO I – n.1. 99
Food Innovations and Consumers' Acceptance: the case of nanotechnologies in food 97
La stima del danno da incendi sul paesaggio boschivo del Gargano 93
'Credence Attributes’ Valuation and Price Dispersion: Quantile Regression vs. Stochastic Frontier – an Application to Health Claims in Yogurts'. 92
The mediational role of trust between pro-environmental behaviour and intention to consume organic milk 92
La Valutazione dell'impatto delle politiche agricole in Capitanata; gli effetti della Riforma Fischler sulle aziende cerealicole 91
Adult obesity, food access, and eating habits in Italy: an empirical analysis 90
Economics of obesity: Nutrition and physical activities substitution effect 89
Consumers' visual attention for food label – an exploratory study from Italian consumers. 89
Motives underlying sustainable milk consumption: an analysis using an extended Food Choice Questionnaire 89
The Impact Of Short Supply Chain On Adult Obesity In Italy 86
Valutazione economica della risorsa idrica nell'agricoltura della Capitanata 85
Valutazione Economica di una politica di Riorientamento dei Consumi Alimentari Finalizzata alla Riduzione dell'Obesita' 84
Does the alternative food supply network affect the human health? 83
Supplement consumption. health oriented behaviour and beyond 82
Italian Premium Red Wine Demand, the Effect of Denominations of Origin, An Almost Ideal Demand System Using Scanner Data 81
Parents’ trust in food safety and their intentions about children's feed 81
Explaining consumer purchase behavior for organic milk: Including trust and green self-identity within the theory of planned behavior 81
Impatti della riforma OCM ortofrutta in provincia di Foggia 79
Influence of the CAP reform on livestock: Outlook for selected European regions by 2020 79
La Riforma dell'OCM Ortofrutta: prospettive per il pomodoro da industria 78
Prospettive della certificazione di qualità secondo la “Vision 2000” nell’industria alimentare pugliese 78
Relazioni tra Territorio e Competitività delle imprese agro-alimentari: Teoria ed Applicazione dei Distretti Rurali e dei Distretti Agro-Alimentari di Qualità 77
Le prospettive del pomodoro da industria alla luce della riforma OCM ortofrutta 77
Indirect Effects of Eco-Labelling of Agricultural Products on Natural Resources 77
Influence of the Common Agricultural Policy on the livestock number reared. Evidence from selected European regions 77
Manuale di valutazione dell’impatto sul paesaggio di progetti, opere e sistemi di interventi 74
L'effetto della filiera corta sul livello di obesità in Italia 74
Italian consumers' preferences regarding dealcoholized wine, information and price 74
La valutazione e il monitoraggio delle politiche agricole a scala provinciale: strumenti conoscitivi indispensabili per una corretta governance del territorio 73
Honey production process: Market and Innovation 72
La filiera orticola albanese. Un’analisi per filiera 70
Il ruolo degli stili alimentari nella determinazione dell'obesità in età evolutiva 70
On consumption patterns in oyster markets: The role of attitudes 70
L’innovazione nell’agro-alimentare del Gal Meridaunia: un’analisi di segmentazione. 70
Hedonic analysis of ultra-high-temperature-treated milk prices in Italy. Journal of dairy science 69
L’effetto della “filiera corta” sul livello di obesità in Italia. Atti del XLIX Convegno Sidea. 68
The Hidden Benefits of Short Food Supply Chains: Farmers' Markets Density and Body Mass Index in Italy 68
Consumers’ Trade-Off between Nutrition and Health Claims under Regulation 1924/2006: Insights from a Choice Experiment Analysis. 68
Health and environmental benefits from combined control of obesity and climate changes 66
L’innovazione mediante certificazione dei prodotti, dei processi e della responsabilità sociale 65
On Consumers' Acceptance of Nanotechnologies: An Italian Case Study. 64
Credence attributes and the quest for a higher price – A hedonic stochastic frontier approach 59
Innovative quality-based strategies for the agri-food sector 58
Assessing the role of regional labels for consumers 57
Market valuation of health claims’ types and strength: the Italian yogurt market. 56
Italian wine demand and differentiation effect of geographical indications 56
Italian Wine Demand and Differentiation Effect of Geographical Indications 56
Health and environmental benefits from combined control of obesity and climate changes 54
Health and Eco-Innovations in Food Packaging 53
An empirical framework to study food labelling fraud: an application to the Italian extra-virgin olive oil market 51
Body image dissatisfaction and health-enhancing food choices: A pilot study from a sample of Italian yogurt consumers 49
Insights for the Development of a Functional Fish Product: Drivers and Barriers, Acceptance, and Communication of Health Benefits 48
Human Factor in Food Label Design to Support Consumer Healthcare and Safety: A Systematic Literature Review. 42
Packaging Innovations to Reduce Food Loss and Waste: Are Italian Manufacturers Willing to Invest? 41
Table grapes as functional food: Consumer preferences for health and environmental attributes 36
The (Nano-)Discrimination of Consumers for Nano-Inside Technologies 34
How Do Italian Consumers Value Sustainable Certifications on Fish?—An Explorative Analysis 32
On the relevance of the region-of-origin in consumers studies 31
Intention to purchase milk packaged in biodegradable packaging: Evidence from italian consumers 31
Intention to purchase active and intelligent packaging to reduce household food waste: Evidence from italian consumers 29
Parents’ trust in food safety and healthiness of children’s diets: A tpb model explaining the role of retailers and government 29
The new challenge of sports nutrition: Accepting insect food as dietary supplements in professional athletes 28
Geographical indications’ prices and marketing margins: the role of group size, longevity and production decisions 26
Consumer Acceptance and Preference for Olive Oil Attributes—A Review. Foods, 11(23), 3805. 24
Improving meat tenderness using exogenous process: The consumer response 15
Consumer acceptance for sheep milk-based yogurt-Evidence from a large sample of Italian consumers 11
Characteristics of dealcoholized and partially dealcoholized wines on company websites and their influence on the price 9
Protein network assessment and sensory characteristics of durum wheat fresh pasta fortified with artichoke bracts and tomato powders 9
Polyphenolic characterization, nutritional and microbiological assessment of newly formulated semolina fresh pasta fortified with grape pomace 9
Micro Knowledge as a Driver for Systemic Emergencies Management: The Case of Xylella in Italy 8
Preferences for processed tomato products’ attributes: an explorative analysis of Italian consumers using a large sample 5
The Use of Agro-Food Chain By-Products and Foods of Plant Origin to Obtain High-Value-Added Foods 3
Totale 7.639
Categoria #
all - tutte 33.644
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 33.644

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/2020706 0 0 0 0 0 145 181 48 132 50 107 43
2020/20211.002 95 32 87 22 87 65 103 15 226 229 16 25
2021/2022678 71 25 35 16 55 13 41 54 70 106 34 158
2022/20232.146 196 107 108 154 116 211 38 129 925 35 68 59
2023/2024489 59 22 31 38 48 124 18 45 13 24 25 42
2024/2025472 105 30 45 40 114 138 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 7.639