Distribuzione geografica
Continente #
NA - Nord America 5.188
EU - Europa 5.161
AS - Asia 2.659
SA - Sud America 31
AF - Africa 20
Continente sconosciuto - Info sul continente non disponibili 8
OC - Oceania 5
Totale 13.072
Nazione #
US - Stati Uniti d'America 5.171
CN - Cina 1.847
IE - Irlanda 1.665
UA - Ucraina 1.325
IT - Italia 748
SE - Svezia 690
FI - Finlandia 236
HK - Hong Kong 200
IN - India 200
TR - Turchia 184
SG - Singapore 181
DE - Germania 104
AT - Austria 99
GB - Regno Unito 99
FR - Francia 86
BE - Belgio 34
ES - Italia 20
RU - Federazione Russa 18
BR - Brasile 14
JP - Giappone 13
IR - Iran 12
CL - Cile 10
CZ - Repubblica Ceca 9
MX - Messico 9
EU - Europa 8
CA - Canada 7
DZ - Algeria 7
JO - Giordania 6
MY - Malesia 6
TN - Tunisia 5
AR - Argentina 4
AU - Australia 4
DK - Danimarca 4
CH - Svizzera 3
CO - Colombia 3
GR - Grecia 3
NO - Norvegia 3
TW - Taiwan 3
AL - Albania 2
EG - Egitto 2
HU - Ungheria 2
IL - Israele 2
MA - Marocco 2
MW - Malawi 2
NL - Olanda 2
PK - Pakistan 2
PL - Polonia 2
SI - Slovenia 2
SK - Slovacchia (Repubblica Slovacca) 2
AE - Emirati Arabi Uniti 1
BG - Bulgaria 1
EE - Estonia 1
ID - Indonesia 1
IS - Islanda 1
KW - Kuwait 1
NZ - Nuova Zelanda 1
PA - Panama 1
SN - Senegal 1
ZA - Sudafrica 1
Totale 13.072
Città #
Dublin 1.664
Jacksonville 942
Chandler 798
Dearborn 756
Nanjing 475
Nyköping 466
Beijing 207
Hong Kong 199
Nanchang 191
Santa Clara 191
Princeton 189
Wilmington 183
San Mateo 178
Singapore 127
New York 121
Ashburn 112
Vienna 98
Ann Arbor 96
Shenyang 95
Hebei 91
Tianjin 90
Foggia 83
Kunming 83
Des Moines 79
Woodbridge 65
Jiaxing 63
Hangzhou 62
Changsha 60
Jinan 50
Helsinki 46
Boardman 44
Shanghai 43
Los Angeles 42
Guangzhou 37
Ningbo 34
Brussels 33
Munich 30
Rome 30
Bari 28
Zhengzhou 25
Lanzhou 23
Altamura 20
Milan 17
Washington 17
Changchun 15
Fuzhou 14
Norwalk 14
Taizhou 14
Palermo 13
Stevenage 13
Auburn Hills 12
Hefei 12
Hilden 11
Kocaeli 10
Napoli 10
Pune 10
College Station 9
Madrid 9
Philadelphia 9
Espoo 8
Houston 8
London 8
Orange 8
Paris 8
Wuhan 8
Cedar Knolls 7
Grazzanise 7
Haikou 7
Lequile 7
Redwood City 7
São Paulo 7
Amman 6
Barletta 6
Brno 6
Granada 6
Matera 6
Torino 6
Wuxi 6
Borås 5
Campobasso 5
Catania 5
Constantine 5
Manfredonia 5
Pisa 5
Qingdao 5
San Severo 5
Taiyuan 5
Taranto 5
Toritto 5
Trani 5
Bangalore 4
Bologna 4
Caserta 4
Chicago 4
Florence 4
Gioia Del Colle 4
Jinhua 4
Latina 4
Molfetta 4
Molise 4
Totale 8.690
Nome #
Attività Antiossidante Totale valutata mediante il nuovo metodo LOX/RNO (Lipossigenasi/p-nitrosodimetilanilina) in frazione lipofila estratta da granella di frumento duro (Triticum durum Desf.) 188
Attività lipossigenasica in endosperma di grano duro 172
Lipossigenasi di semola di grano duro: caratterizzazione dell'attività ed inibizione da alfa-tocoferolo, L-ascorbato e beta-carotene 155
First evidences of the existence of Glyoxalase I activity in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) mitochondria and its activation under hyperosmotic stress conditions 142
Identification and cloning of the full-length cDNA encoding the durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) sirtuin 2 (SRT2) 139
Effect of germination and sprout storage on antioxidant capacity and phenolic content in quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). 129
Uso di estratti antiossidanti di crusca di grano duro per ottenere una nuova pasta funzionale con l’approccio di arricchimento “da grano a grano” 125
Antioxidant Activity of Free and Bound Compounds in Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) Seeds in Comparison with Durum Wheat and Emmer 116
Inibizione delle attività di lipossigenasi e di "bleaching" del beta-carotene in semola di grano duro 114
Chemical, physical and sensorial characterization of fresh quinoa sprouts (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and effects of modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on quality during cold storage 114
Lipossigenasi di frumento duro e colore della pasta 113
Attività antiossidante in granella di frumento duro valutata con il nuovo metodo LOX/RNO. Contributo delle frazioni idrofila, lipofila e fenolica 110
Assessement of antioxidant capacity of plant foods extracts by the soybean lypoxygenase-based methods. An overview. 109
Antioxidant capacity, phenolic and vitamin C contents of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) as affected by sprouting and storage conditions 103
Valutazione dell'attività antiossidante totale della granella in colture erbacee di particolare valore nutrizionale 102
Biochemical and Biophysical Characterization of a wheat Mitochondria Potassium Channel 102
Un metodo innovativo per la determinazione dell’attività antiossidante totale in matrici alimentari basato sull’utilizzo dell’enzima Lipossigenasi. 102
Evaluation of antioxidant activity of grains from graminaceae, pseudocereals and leguminosae 100
Approccio proteomico per la caratterizzazione delle proteine di riserva del frumento duro. 96
Antioxidant capacity of durum wheat large flour particles may be evaluated by QUENCHERABTS assay by adopting a proper calculation mode 96
Different effectiveness of two pastas supplemented with either lipophilic or hydrophilic/phenolic antioxidants in affecting serum as evaluated by the novel Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance approach 95
K+ Channel in plant mitochondria 94
Kautsky effect as drought tolerance indicator in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). II. Intrinsic variations of fluorescence induction curve: day-night and phenological changes 93
Assessment of antioxidant activity of carotenoid-enriched extracts from peach fruits by the new LOX/RNO method 93
Assessment of phenolic antioxidant capacity of durum wheat grains by the novel QUENCHER-ABTS assay 93
Increase in H+/e- ratio of the cytochrome c oxidase reaction in mitochondria irradiated with Helium-Neon laser 92
Osmotic and elastic adjustment of durum wheat leaves under drought stress conditions 91
Water deficit effects on photochemical quenching of chlorophyll fluorescence in durum wheat. 90
Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance as a novel approach to evaluate the effect on serum of long-term intake of plant antioxidant-rich foods 90
Antioxidant Activity in Wheat Grains With Different Ploidy Levels. 89
Antioxidant/Oxidant Balance: Application as a biomarker of the antioxidant status in plasma of ewes fed seaweed Ascophyllum nodosum and flaxseed under high ambient temperature 89
Biostimolazione dei mitocondri da luce laser Helium Neon 88
Stima della resistenza alla siccità di varietà di Triticum durum mediante test in vitro 88
The lipoxygenase/p-nitrosodimethylaniline reaction as a new suitable method to evaluate antioxidant activity of dietary phenolics from wheat. 87
Identification of durum wheat plant Uncoupling Protein (TdUCP) gene family and involvement of TdUCP3 in hyperosmotic stress response. 87
The soybean lipoxygenase-fluorescein reaction may be used to assess antioxidant capacity of phytochemicals and serum 86
Mitocondri di frumento duro e resistenza allo stress idrico. 85
Chemical, physical and sensorial characterization of fresh quinoa sprouts (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) and effects of modified atmosphere packaging on quality during cold storage 85
Antioxidants enzymes and leaf senescence in “stay green” mutants of durum wheat 84
Substrate oxidation and ADP/ATP exchange in coupled durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) mitochondria. 82
The transcript levels of two mitochondrial uncoupling protein-related genes are not affected by hyperosmotic stress in durum wheat seedlings showing protein activation 82
Influenza dello stato idrico e dello stadio fenologico sulla fluorescenza della clorofilla a "in vivo", In "La durogranicoltura quale fattore di sviluppo per l'agricoltura meridionale" 82
Sea water stress affects mitochondrial proline oxidation but not alternative oxidase activity in durum wheat germinating seedlings 81
Field studies on chlorophyll fluorescence as drought tolerance test in Triticum durum Desf. genotypes 81
Activation of the Plant Mitochondrial Potassium Channel by Free Fatty Acids and Acyl-CoA esters. Possible involvement in the physiological response to environmental stresses 81
Valutazione dell'attività antiossidante in granella di frumenti nudi e vestiti mediante il nuovo metodo LOX/RNO 80
Influenza della concimazione solfatica sulla qualità tecnologica del frumento duro. 80
Antioxidant activity of free versus bound compounds in seeds of different cereal species 80
Changes in durum wheat mitochondrial respiration following osmotic stress applied under germination. 79
Light-biological sistem interaction: Mitochondria and isolated enzymes as light targets. 79
Effetto dello stress idrico e termico sulla permeabilità di membrana in espianti di foglie di grano duro (Triticum durum Desf.) in diversi stadi di crescita 79
Kautsky effect as drought tolerance indicator in durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.). I. Variations of fluorescence induction curve following dehydration; probing the test 79
A new simple fluorimetric method to assay cytosolic ATP content: Application to durum wheat seedlings to assess modulation of mitochondrial potassium channel and uncoupling protein activity under hyperosmotic stress 79
Effetto dell'attività del canale del potassio sulla fosforilazione ossidativa in mitocondri vegetali 78
Mitochondrial proline oxidation is affected by hyperosmotic stress in durum wheat seedlings 78
Varietal comparison for drought tolerance in durum wheat by "in vivo" chlorophyll a fluorescence. 77
Activation of the plant mitochondrial potassium channel by free fatty acids and acyl-CoA esters: A possible defence mechanism in the response to hyperosmotic stress 77
Helium-Neon laser and mitochondria. In "Basic and Applied Research in Photobiology and Photomedicine" 76
Hyperosmotic stress and durum wheat mitochondria 76
Miglioramento genetico del frumento duro per gli ambienti sub-aridi mediterranei. 76
Identificazione di un fotorecettore mitocondriale della radiazione del laser ad Helium-Neon 76
Attività antiossidante di estratti di semi di quinoa valutata mediante differenti metodiche - confronto con frumento duro e farro tetraploide 76
Respirazione cianuro-insensibile e permeabilità al KCl in mitocondri di grano duro (Triticum durum Desf.) 76
K+ Uniport in plant mitochondria is mediated by an ATP-dependent channel: properties and role in limiting ROS generation 76
Metabolite transport pathways in durum wheat mitochondria from hyperosmotically-stressed seedlings. 76
Modulation of potassium channel activity in the balance of ROS and ATP production by durum wheat mitochondria — An amazing defense tool against hyperosmotic stress 76
The potential of a proteomic approach to optimize durum wheat technological quality 75
Antioxidant-rich food supplement Lisosan G induces reversion of hepatic steatosis 75
Attività ossidasiche in frumento duro e ricerca di inibitori dell'ossidazione dei pigmenti 75
Biochemical and biophysical characterization of a wheat mitochondrial potassium channel 73
Shades of red: Comparative study on supercritical CO2 extraction of lycopene-rich oleoresins from gac, tomato and watermelon fruits and effect of the α-cyclodextrin clathrated extracts on cultured lung adenocarcinoma cells' viability 73
Thiol groups content and catalase activity during senescence are higher in durum wheat stay green mutants than in parental genotype 72
Alternative oxidase in durum wheat mitochondria. Activation by pyruvate, hydroxypyruvate and glyoxylate and physiological role 72
Different laser sensitivity of cytochrome c oxidase in isolated rat liver mitochondria irradiated either in the presence or the absence of respiratory chain inhibitors 71
Identificazione di un canale mitocondriale del potassio come possibile strumento per migliorare la resistenza agli stress abiotici in frumento duro. 71
"Ratio of fluorescence decrease" (Rfd) e resistenza al deficit idrico in varietà di frumento duro di recente costituzione. 71
Interaction between external energy and cellular metabolism 71
Grain antioxidant activity in different herbaceous crop species 71
ATP-sensitive cation-channel in wheat (triticum durum Desf.): Identification and characterization of a plant mitochondrial channel by patch-clamp 71
Serum antioxidant capacity and peroxide level of seven healthy subjects after consumption of different foods 71
Alternative oxidase activity and malate oxidation in wheat mitochondria 70
Comparison of durum wheat varieties in relation to antioxidant activity of whole meal, semolina and pasta 70
Plant mitochondrial potassium channel or channels? 69
Dissection of antioxidant activity of durum wheat (Triticum durum Desf.) grains as evaluated by the new LOX/RNO method 69
Seawater stress applied at germination affects mitochondrial function in durum wheat (Triticum durum) early seedlings 69
An Improved Spectrophotometric Phospholipase A2 Assay Using 1-Palmitoyl-2-Linoleoyl-sn-Glycero-3- Phosphatidylcholine as Substrate and Lipoxygenase as Coupled Enzyme 69
A new simple fluorimetric method to assay cytosolic ATP content: Application to durum wheat seedlings to assess modulation of mitochondrial potassium channel and uncoupling protein activity under hyperosmotic stress 69
Fotostimolazione da Laser Helium-Neon: Aspetti Cellulari e Subcellulari 68
The effect of Helium-Neon laser light on the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 68
A novel property of plant mitochondria: the existence of a K+ channel 68
Effects of milling-process and pasta making on ABTS●+ scavenging activity of hydrophilic and lipophilic extracts of durum wheat varieties 68
Osmotic adjustment and photosynthetic electron transport efficiency in durum wheat cultivars under drought. 67
Superoxide anion impairs membrane potential of succinate oxidising plant mitochondria firstly by affecting succinate transport 67
Assessment of antioxidant capacity and putative healthy effects of natural plant products using soybean lipoxygenase-based methods. An overview 67
Efficienza del trasporto elettronico fotosintetico come indice di resistenza alla siccità in frumento duro 66
Totale 8.729
Categoria #
all - tutte 65.529
article - articoli 0
book - libri 0
conference - conferenze 0
curatela - curatele 0
other - altro 0
patent - brevetti 0
selected - selezionate 0
volume - volumi 0
Totale 65.529

Totale Lug Ago Sett Ott Nov Dic Gen Feb Mar Apr Mag Giu
2019/20201.146 0 0 0 0 0 0 572 38 252 42 225 17
2020/20211.384 217 9 210 9 194 70 203 23 217 214 8 10
2021/20221.066 185 8 9 21 43 17 39 76 155 164 47 302
2022/20233.743 358 147 175 211 168 308 48 276 1.895 13 70 74
2023/2024550 103 30 40 13 37 198 27 3 0 11 11 77
2024/2025902 135 35 85 80 123 444 0 0 0 0 0 0
Totale 13.474