Food safety and quality and their associated risks pose a major concern worldwide regarding not only the potential danger to consumer’s health but also the relative economic losses. A lack of measures and reliable methods to evaluate and maintain a good control of food characteristics may shatter consumer confidence and affect the food industry economy. In this scenario, it is imperative to develop fast and reliable analytical methods that allow a good and rapid analysis of food products during the whole food chain. Proteomics can represent a powerful tool to address this issue, due to its proven excellent quantitative and qualitative advantages in protein characterization. There are several applications of proteomics to food analysis, aimed at protecting consumer benefits, from the evaluation of the nutritional properties and product traceability (food quality) to allergen detection (food safety) in raw and processed foods. Mass Spectrometry (MS) based methods have been suggested as confirmatory tools for an accurate protein identification in food samples, nevertheless, the characterization of proteins always needs a concerted application of several technologies, where MS measurements represent only the final step. A successful MS identification can be indeed obtained only if supported by proper separation strategies such as two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) that has been recently added to the family of LC techniques, providing a remarkable potential increase in peak capacity and resolving power. In this research project, automated 2D-LC methods based on the use of multi-port switching valves were developed and optimized for the separation of intact proteins from the major food allergen sources. Egg, soy flour and fennel samples were chosen as cases of study: egg and soy flour represent two of the major food allergen sources worldwide (both included in the Big-8 listing), whereas fennel has been recently recognized as an allergenic source, especially in the Mediterranean area. The optimized 2DLC methods are based on an innovative trapping interface made by a reversed-phase column installed in a switching valve, placed between two separation columns. Therefore, the proteins coming from the first column were trapped and focused before injection in the second column, reducing the effects of dead volumes and band broadening. A size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) column was used for the first dimension separation and combined to a reversed-phase (RP) column for the second dimension separation. Protein peaks coming from the second separation column were collected through a fraction collector connected to the UV cell. The optimized separation workflow, as a good compromise between the comprehensive 4 and multiple heart-cutting modes, takes on the challenging task of analyzing complex food matrices rich in proteins greatly different in concentration, mass, and polarity, ensuring high resolving power and automation grade. The proposed gel-free method for protein separation allows to perform an automated isolation of individual proteins for their subsequent MS characterization (by both top-down or bottom-up proteomics) or for further bio-analytical investigations. The experimental conditions were optimized by analyses of mixed standard solutions of bovine serum albumin, glucose oxidase, immunoglobulin A, thyroglobulin and myoglobin. Then, the optimized stop-and-go/active modulation SEC-RP LC approach was applied to the protein analysis in extracts of egg and soy flour, with the final aim to recovery sufficient protein amounts for the molecular characterization and the assessment of the pattern of allergenic components. For the protein characterization in fennel extracts, a rapid and sensitive bottom-up method by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) was optimized. The analyses were performed for the identification of all the proteins present in the whole raw fennel extract (without prior fractionation by 2DLC), taking advantage of the elevated sensitivity and mass accuracy of FTICR-MS. The peptide-level method was previously validated on tryptic digests from ubiquitin standard protein. Then, few microliters of fennel extracts were analyzed by direct infusion after enzymatic digestion with trypsin. The method benefits from the high resolution which allows protein detection in a mass range up to m/z 8000 in a few seconds. The experimental mass spectra peak-lists were compared with theoretical peptide sequences and mass values coming from the in silico-digestion performed on a custom-made proteome database originating from the NCBI fennel protein database. Finally, the matched mass lists were used in the database searching for protein identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprint. A total of 70 proteins were identified, with molecular weights ranging from 4.5 kDa to 250 kDa. In order to clarify the effective allergenic molecules present in the fennel samples, the list of the identified proteins was also matched with data obtained by antibody-based assays for Immunoglobulin E detection, performed by using the same fennel extract. Immunoblotting analysis was performed in sera samples of fennel allergy subjects, and 2 major immunoreactive bands, putatively involved in fennel allergy, at around 33 and 50 kDa were detected, corresponding to the proteins associated to the mugwort-spice-allergy-syndrome.
La qualità e la sicurezza alimentare e i rischi a loro associati rappresentano una delle principali preoccupazioni in tutto il mondo, non solo per quanto riguarda il potenziale pericolo per la salute dei consumatori, ma anche per le relative ricadute economiche. La mancanza di misure e metodi affidabili per valutare e mantenere un buon controllo delle caratteristiche degli alimenti può compromettere la fiducia dei consumatori e influire sull'economia dell'industria alimentare. In questo scenario, è indispensabile sviluppare metodi analitici veloci e sicuri che consentano un'analisi rapida ed affidabile dei prodotti alimentari durante l'intera filiera alimentare. La proteomica può rappresentare un potente strumento per affrontare questo problema, grazie ai suoi comprovati eccellenti vantaggi, quantitativi e qualitativi, nella caratterizzazione delle proteine. Esistono diverse applicazioni della proteomica all’analisi degli alimenti, volte a tutelare i benefici dei consumatori, dalla valutazione delle proprietà nutrizionali e della tracciabilità del prodotto (qualità degli alimenti) alla rilevazione degli allergeni (sicurezza alimentare) negli alimenti crudi e trasformati. I metodi basati sulla spettrometria di massa (MS) sono comunemente utilizzati come strumenti di conferma per un'accurata identificazione delle proteine nei campioni alimentari; tuttavia, la caratterizzazione delle proteine necessita sempre di una combinazione di diverse tecnologie e le misure di spettrometria di massa rappresentano solo lo step finale. Una corretta identificazione in spettrometria di massa può essere effettivamente ottenuta solo se supportata da adeguate strategie di separazione come la cromatografia liquida bidimensionale (2D-LC), che è stata recentemente aggiunta alla famiglia delle tecniche di cromatografia liquida, fornendo un notevole aumento della capacità di picco e potere risolvente. In questo progetto di ricerca, sono stati sviluppati e ottimizzati metodi automatizzati in cromatografia bidimensionale 2D-LC basati sull'uso di valvole di smistamento multi-porta per la separazione delle proteine intatte dalle principali fonti alimentari allergeniche. Campioni di uova, farina di soia e finocchio sono stati scelti come casi di studio: l’uovo e la farina di soia rappresentano due delle principali fonti di allergeni alimentari nel mondo (entrambe incluse nella lista dei “Big-8”), mentre il finocchio è stato recentemente riconosciuto come una fonte allergenica, in particolare nell'area mediterranea. I metodi 2DLC ottimizzati si basano su un'interfaccia innovativa di intrappolamento realizzata da una colonna in fase inversa installata su una valvola di smistamento, posizionata tra le due colonne di separazione. Pertanto, le proteine provenienti dalla prima colonna sono 2 intrappolate e focalizzate prima dell'iniezione nella seconda colonna, riducendo gli effetti dei volumi morti e dell'allargamento di banda. Una colonna cromatografica ad esclusione dimensionale (SEC) è stata utilizzata per la separazione in prima dimensione e combinata ad una colonna a fase inversa (RP) per la separazione in seconda dimensione. I picchi proteici provenienti dalla seconda colonna di separazione sono stati raccolti attraverso un collettore di frazioni collegato alla cella UV. Il flusso di lavoro di separazione ottimizzato, come buon compromesso tra le modalità comprehensive e multiple heart-cutting, svolge il difficile compito di analizzare matrici alimentari complesse ricche di proteine molto diverse in concentrazione, massa e polarità, garantendo un elevato potere risolutivo e grado di automazione. Il metodo gel-free proposto per la separazione delle proteine consente di eseguire un isolamento automatizzato delle singole proteine per la loro successiva caratterizzazione in spettrometria di massa (mediante approccio proteomico top-down o bottom-up) o per ulteriori indagini bioanalitiche. Le condizioni sperimentali sono state ottimizzate mediante analisi su miscele di soluzioni standard di albumina sierica bovina, glucosio ossidasi, immunoglobulina A, tireoglobulina e mioglobina. Quindi, l'approccio stop-and-go/active modulation SEC-RP LC ottimizzato è stato applicato all'analisi proteica degli estratti di uova e farina di soia, con l'obiettivo finale di recuperare quantità proteiche sufficienti per la caratterizzazione molecolare e per la valutazione di pattern allergenici. Per la caratterizzazione delle proteine negli estratti di finocchio, un metodo bottom-up rapido e sensibile è stato ottimizzato mediante l’analizzatore a risonanza ionica ciclotronica a trasformata di Fourier (FT-ICR). Sono state eseguite le analisi per l'identificazione di tutte le proteine presenti nell'intero estratto di finocchio crudo (senza precedente frazionamento mediante 2DLC), sfruttando l'elevata sensibilità ed accuratezza di massa dell’analizzatore FTICR-MS. Il metodo a livello peptidico è stato precedentemente validato sui digeriti triptici di ubiquitina utilizzata come proteina standard di riferimento. Successivamente, pochi microlitri di estratto di finocchio sono stati analizzati mediante infusione diretta in seguito a digestione enzimatica con tripsina. Il metodo beneficia della strumentazione ad risoluzione che consente la rivelazione di proteine in un intervallo di m/z fino a 8000 in pochi secondi. I dati m/z sperimentali degli spettri di massa del campione di finocchio sono stati confrontati con le sequenze teoriche di peptidi provenienti dalla digestione in silico eseguita su un database proteomico costruito su misura a partire dal database NCBI di tutte le proteine di finocchio. Infine, gli elenchi di massa risultanti dal confronto sono stati utilizzati per la ricerca in banca dati per 3 l'identificazione delle proteine mediante MASCOT, in modalità Peptide Mass Fingerprint. Sono state identificate un totale di 70 proteine, con pesi molecolari che vanno da 4.5 kDa a 250 kDa. Al fine di chiarire le effettive molecole allergeniche presenti nei campioni di finocchio, l'elenco delle proteine identificate è stato inoltre confrontato con i dati ottenuti dai test immunologici per la rilevazione di immunoglobuline E, eseguiti utilizzando lo stesso estratto di finocchio. Sono state eseguite analisi di immunoblotting in campioni di sieri di soggetti allergici al finocchio e sono state rivelate 2 principali bande immunoreattive putativamente coinvolte nell'allergia al finocchio, a circa 33 e a 50 kDa, corrispondenti alle proteine associate alla sindrome allergica da spezia e artemisia.
The challenge of proteomics in the field of food safety: allergen detection / Melfi, MARIA TERESA. - (2020 Feb 27). [10.14274/melfi-maria-teresa_phd2020-02-27]
The challenge of proteomics in the field of food safety: allergen detection
Food safety and quality and their associated risks pose a major concern worldwide regarding not only the potential danger to consumer’s health but also the relative economic losses. A lack of measures and reliable methods to evaluate and maintain a good control of food characteristics may shatter consumer confidence and affect the food industry economy. In this scenario, it is imperative to develop fast and reliable analytical methods that allow a good and rapid analysis of food products during the whole food chain. Proteomics can represent a powerful tool to address this issue, due to its proven excellent quantitative and qualitative advantages in protein characterization. There are several applications of proteomics to food analysis, aimed at protecting consumer benefits, from the evaluation of the nutritional properties and product traceability (food quality) to allergen detection (food safety) in raw and processed foods. Mass Spectrometry (MS) based methods have been suggested as confirmatory tools for an accurate protein identification in food samples, nevertheless, the characterization of proteins always needs a concerted application of several technologies, where MS measurements represent only the final step. A successful MS identification can be indeed obtained only if supported by proper separation strategies such as two-dimensional liquid chromatography (2D-LC) that has been recently added to the family of LC techniques, providing a remarkable potential increase in peak capacity and resolving power. In this research project, automated 2D-LC methods based on the use of multi-port switching valves were developed and optimized for the separation of intact proteins from the major food allergen sources. Egg, soy flour and fennel samples were chosen as cases of study: egg and soy flour represent two of the major food allergen sources worldwide (both included in the Big-8 listing), whereas fennel has been recently recognized as an allergenic source, especially in the Mediterranean area. The optimized 2DLC methods are based on an innovative trapping interface made by a reversed-phase column installed in a switching valve, placed between two separation columns. Therefore, the proteins coming from the first column were trapped and focused before injection in the second column, reducing the effects of dead volumes and band broadening. A size-exclusion chromatography (SEC) column was used for the first dimension separation and combined to a reversed-phase (RP) column for the second dimension separation. Protein peaks coming from the second separation column were collected through a fraction collector connected to the UV cell. The optimized separation workflow, as a good compromise between the comprehensive 4 and multiple heart-cutting modes, takes on the challenging task of analyzing complex food matrices rich in proteins greatly different in concentration, mass, and polarity, ensuring high resolving power and automation grade. The proposed gel-free method for protein separation allows to perform an automated isolation of individual proteins for their subsequent MS characterization (by both top-down or bottom-up proteomics) or for further bio-analytical investigations. The experimental conditions were optimized by analyses of mixed standard solutions of bovine serum albumin, glucose oxidase, immunoglobulin A, thyroglobulin and myoglobin. Then, the optimized stop-and-go/active modulation SEC-RP LC approach was applied to the protein analysis in extracts of egg and soy flour, with the final aim to recovery sufficient protein amounts for the molecular characterization and the assessment of the pattern of allergenic components. For the protein characterization in fennel extracts, a rapid and sensitive bottom-up method by Fourier transform ion cyclotron resonance (FT-ICR) was optimized. The analyses were performed for the identification of all the proteins present in the whole raw fennel extract (without prior fractionation by 2DLC), taking advantage of the elevated sensitivity and mass accuracy of FTICR-MS. The peptide-level method was previously validated on tryptic digests from ubiquitin standard protein. Then, few microliters of fennel extracts were analyzed by direct infusion after enzymatic digestion with trypsin. The method benefits from the high resolution which allows protein detection in a mass range up to m/z 8000 in a few seconds. The experimental mass spectra peak-lists were compared with theoretical peptide sequences and mass values coming from the in silico-digestion performed on a custom-made proteome database originating from the NCBI fennel protein database. Finally, the matched mass lists were used in the database searching for protein identification by Peptide Mass Fingerprint. A total of 70 proteins were identified, with molecular weights ranging from 4.5 kDa to 250 kDa. In order to clarify the effective allergenic molecules present in the fennel samples, the list of the identified proteins was also matched with data obtained by antibody-based assays for Immunoglobulin E detection, performed by using the same fennel extract. Immunoblotting analysis was performed in sera samples of fennel allergy subjects, and 2 major immunoreactive bands, putatively involved in fennel allergy, at around 33 and 50 kDa were detected, corresponding to the proteins associated to the mugwort-spice-allergy-syndrome.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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