n view of a long-standing jurisprudential and doctrinal contrast on the limits of adjustment of charges during summary trials, the Supreme Court - in its most authoritative composition - intervenes to delimit the operational area of the Public Prosecutor’s capacity to change the charge made to the defendant, providing a nomophylactic and teleologically-oriented interpretation to the question submitted to her. More specifically, the Court provides that the peculiarity of the special rite - as a “limited trial” – does not justify ex abrupto the flexibility of the initial dispute, “in relation to the facts already inferable from the preliminary investigation documents and not deriving from the fulfillment of the actions taken”. Although the path followed by the courts of legitimacy to substantiate the chosen thesis is absolutely logical and rational, the author identifies critical issues in the extreme rigorism that characterizes the declaration at issue, considering necessary the clarifying intervention of the legislator as of if and how much the Public Prosecutor’s right to reevaluate the investigative activity, as well as the extent of the discretion of the judging body when accepting and/or requesting probative integration (pursuant to former articles 438, paragraph 5 and 441, paragraph 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).
A fronte di un annoso contrasto dottrinale e giurisprudenziale sui limiti di adeguamento dell’imputazione nel corso del giudizio abbreviato, le Sezioni unite della Corte di Cassazione intervengono per circoscrivere il potere del p.m. di modificare l’addebito mosso all’imputato, fornendo un’interpretazione nomofilattica e teleologicamente orientata al quesito sottopostole. Più in particolare, la Corte prevede che la peculiarità del rito speciale - quale procedimento “a prova limitata” - non giustifica ex abrupto la flessibilità della contestazione iniziale, «in relazione a fatti già desumibili dagli atti delle indagini preliminari e non derivanti dal compimento degli atti istruttori». Pur risultando assolutamente logico e razionale il percorso seguito dai giudici di legittimità per corroborare la tesi prescelta, l’autore individua delle criticità nell’estremo rigorismo che caratterizza la pronuncia de qua, ritenendo necessario l’intervento chiarificatore del legislatore in merito all’an e al quantum delle prerogative spettanti al p.m. circa la rivalutazione dell’attività di indagine, nonché all’ampiezza del potere discrezionale dell’organo giudicante nell’accogliere e/o richiedere l’integrazione probatoria (ex artt. 438, comma 5 e 441, comma 5 c.p.p.).
Sul divieto di contestazioni patologiche in abbreviato
Nocerino W
n view of a long-standing jurisprudential and doctrinal contrast on the limits of adjustment of charges during summary trials, the Supreme Court - in its most authoritative composition - intervenes to delimit the operational area of the Public Prosecutor’s capacity to change the charge made to the defendant, providing a nomophylactic and teleologically-oriented interpretation to the question submitted to her. More specifically, the Court provides that the peculiarity of the special rite - as a “limited trial” – does not justify ex abrupto the flexibility of the initial dispute, “in relation to the facts already inferable from the preliminary investigation documents and not deriving from the fulfillment of the actions taken”. Although the path followed by the courts of legitimacy to substantiate the chosen thesis is absolutely logical and rational, the author identifies critical issues in the extreme rigorism that characterizes the declaration at issue, considering necessary the clarifying intervention of the legislator as of if and how much the Public Prosecutor’s right to reevaluate the investigative activity, as well as the extent of the discretion of the judging body when accepting and/or requesting probative integration (pursuant to former articles 438, paragraph 5 and 441, paragraph 5 of the Code of Criminal Procedure).I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.