“New” investigations carried out by means of a computer sensor are a very sensible issue: in the already intricate subject of wiretapping, the matter gets indeed dangerously tangled both for its disruptive potential and for the attacks it can bring on the traditional paradigms of the evidentiary procedure. Most of all, this special investigative technique is characterized by the legal “confusion” in which it is placed in the Italian criminal procedural system. In the face of such an operating horizon, and the complex of procedural rules that are equally easily modulated, the legal system (and the scholarship with it) is called to a difficult work of interpretation and mediation. In this paper, an attempt will be made to provide an overview of the new investigative techniques, with particular reference to the use of the IT sensor to stem the corruption phenomenon. In this magmatic legal framework, the pitfalls of the constitutional stability of the system devised by the legislator appear worrying and call for a reflection, with a view to achieving a balance between investigative effectiveness and protection of fundamental rights.
È materia molto delicata quella delle nuove investigazioni eseguite mediante captatore informatico che, al di là del già intricato tema delle intercettazioni, s’ingarbuglia pericolosamente per le potenzialità dirompenti che il malware può generare, per i conseguenti attentati mossi ai tradizionali paradigmi del procedimento probatorio e, più di tutto, per la “confusione” giuridica in cui versa questa speciale tecnica investigativa nel sistema processuale italiano. Infatti, al cospetto di un orizzonte operativo così flessibile e di un complesso di regole processuali altrettanto facilmente modulabili, l’ordinamento giuridico (e con esso la dottrina) è chiamato ad una difficile opera di mediazione. Il presente contributo tenta di fornire una panoramica relativa alle nuove tecniche di investigazioni, con precipuo riferimento all’impiego del captatore informatico per arginare il fenomeno corruttivo. In questo quadro magmatico, le insidie alla tenuta costituzionale del sistema congegnato dal legislatore appaiono preoccupanti e sollecitano una riflessione nell’ottica del raggiungimento di un equilibrio tra efficacia investigativa e tutela dei diritti fondamentali.
Le nuove investigazioni nei reati corruttivi informatici
Nocerino W;Procaccino A
“New” investigations carried out by means of a computer sensor are a very sensible issue: in the already intricate subject of wiretapping, the matter gets indeed dangerously tangled both for its disruptive potential and for the attacks it can bring on the traditional paradigms of the evidentiary procedure. Most of all, this special investigative technique is characterized by the legal “confusion” in which it is placed in the Italian criminal procedural system. In the face of such an operating horizon, and the complex of procedural rules that are equally easily modulated, the legal system (and the scholarship with it) is called to a difficult work of interpretation and mediation. In this paper, an attempt will be made to provide an overview of the new investigative techniques, with particular reference to the use of the IT sensor to stem the corruption phenomenon. In this magmatic legal framework, the pitfalls of the constitutional stability of the system devised by the legislator appear worrying and call for a reflection, with a view to achieving a balance between investigative effectiveness and protection of fundamental rights.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.