ICT has had a profound effect on the criminal trial and, in particular, on the methods of acquiring probative material that can be used in court. The use of the “sensor computer” is the emblem of change, so much that it attracts the attention of the legislator who, with a regulation in fieri, recognizes a certain normative dignity, including the relative activity in the genus of interceptions. What is still an uncertain fact, however, is the use of the computer sensor in the phase that precedes the formal commencement of the criminal procedure, functional to the acquisition of cognitive material useful for preventing the perpetration of the crime and the search for investigative cues to form the news of crime. The present research intends to outline the state of the art related to the dual use of the diabolical instrument - both for repressive and exploratory purposes - and to outline some predictable criticalities, due to the lack of a regulation adequate to the investigative reality produced by the contrast to the dangers posed by terrorism and cybernetics attacks.
La rivoluzione tecnologica ha inciso profondamente sul processo penale e, in particolare, sulle modalità di acquisizione del materiale probatorio spendibile in giudizio. Il ricorso ai “captatori informatici” rappresenta l’emblema del cambiamento, tanto da attirare l’attenzione del legislatore che, con una regolamentazione in fieri, gli riconosce una certa dignità normativa, ricomprendendo la relativa attività nel genus delle intercettazioni. Ciò che invece rimane ancora un dato incerto, è l’utilizzo del captatore informatico nella fase che precede al formale inizio del procedimento penale, funzionale all’acquisizione del materiale conoscitivo utile a prevenire il compimento del reato e alla ricerca di spunti investigativi per formare la notitia criminis. La presente ricerca ha l’intento di delineare lo stato dell’arte relativo al duplice impiego del diabolico strumento - sia a fini repressivi che esplorativi - e di abbozzare alcune prevedibili criticità, in ragione della mancanza di una normativa adeguata alla realtà investigativa prodotta dal contrasto ai pericoli determinati dal terrorismo e dagli attacchi cybernetici.
Il captatore informatico: un giano bifronte. Prassi operative vs risvolti giuridici
Nocerino W
ICT has had a profound effect on the criminal trial and, in particular, on the methods of acquiring probative material that can be used in court. The use of the “sensor computer” is the emblem of change, so much that it attracts the attention of the legislator who, with a regulation in fieri, recognizes a certain normative dignity, including the relative activity in the genus of interceptions. What is still an uncertain fact, however, is the use of the computer sensor in the phase that precedes the formal commencement of the criminal procedure, functional to the acquisition of cognitive material useful for preventing the perpetration of the crime and the search for investigative cues to form the news of crime. The present research intends to outline the state of the art related to the dual use of the diabolical instrument - both for repressive and exploratory purposes - and to outline some predictable criticalities, due to the lack of a regulation adequate to the investigative reality produced by the contrast to the dangers posed by terrorism and cybernetics attacks.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.