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The interaction of K(-)with protons is characterised by the presence of several coupled channels, systems like (K) over bar (0)n and pi Sigma with a similar mass and the same quantum numbers as the K(-)p state. The strengths of these couplings to the K(-)p system are of crucial importance for the understanding of the nature of the Lambda(1405) resonance and of the attractive K(-)p strong interaction. In this article, we present measurements of the K(-)p correlation functions in relative momentum space obtained in pp collisions at root s = 13 Te, in p-Pb collisions at root sNN = 5.02 Te, and (semi)peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN = 5.02 Te. The emitting source size, composed of a core radius anchored to the K(+)p correlation and of a resonance halo specific to each particle pair, varies between 1 and 2 fm in these collision systems. The strength and the effects of the (K) over bar (0)n and pi Sigma inelastic channels on the measured K(-)p correlation function are investigated in the different colliding systems by comparing the data with state-of-the-art models of chiral potentials. A novel approach to determine the conversion weights omega, necessary to quantify the amount of produced inelastic channels in the correlation function, is presented. In this method, particle yields are estimated from thermal model predictions, and their kinematic distribution from blast-wave fits to measured data. The comparison of chiral potentials to the measured K(-)p interaction indicates that, while the pi Sigma-K(-)p dynamics is well reproduced by the model, the coupling to the (K) over bar (0)n channel in the model is currently underestimated.
Constraining the $${\overline{\textrm{K}}}{\textrm{N}}$$ coupled channel dynamics using femtoscopic correlations at the LHC
Acharya, S.;Adamová, D.;Adler, A.;Aglieri Rinella, G.;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Ahuja, I.;Akindinov, A.;Al-Turany, M.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alfanda, H. M.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Ali, B.;Ali, Y.;Alici, A.;Alizadehvandchali, N.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alocco, G.;Alt, T.;Altsybeev, I.;Garcia, J. R. A.;Anaam, M. N.;Andrei, C.;Andronic, A.;Anguelov, V.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Apadula, N.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshäuser, H.;Arata, C.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Diaz, R. A.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Aziz, S.;Azmi, M. D.;Badalà, A.;Saramela, T. B.;Baek, Y. W.;Bai, X.;Bailhache, R.;Bailung, Y.;Bala, R.;Balbino, A.;Baldisseri, A.;Balis, B.;Banerjee, D.;Banoo, Z.;Barbera, R.;Barioglio, L.;Barlou, M.;Barnaföldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barreto, L.;Bartels, C.;Barth, K.;Bartsch, E.;Baruffaldi, F.;Butt, J. B.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Batigne, G.;Battistini, D.;Batyunya, B.;Bauri, D.;Bazo Alba, J. L.;Bearden, I. G.;Beattie, C.;Becht, P.;Behera, D.;Belikov, I.;Bell Hechavarria, A. D. C.;Bellini, F.;Bellwied, R.;Belokurova, S.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berdnikova, A.;Bergmann, L.;Ferrer, M. B.;Besoiu, M. G.;Betev, L.;Bhaduri, P. P.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, M. A.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bielčík, J.;Bielčíková, J.;Biernat, J.;Bigot, A. P.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, S.;Bize, N.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blidaru, M. B.;Bluhme, N.;Blume, C.;Boca, G.;Bock, F.;Bodova, T.;Bogdanov, A.;Boi, S.;Bok, J.;Boldizsár, L.;Bolozdynya, A.;Bombara, M.;Bond, P. M.;Bonomi, G.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Bossi, H.;Botta, E.;Bratrud, L.;Braun-Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broz, M.;Bruno, G. E.;Buckland, M. D.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Bugnon, O.;Buhler, P.;Buthelezi, Z.;Bylinkin, A.;Bysiak, S. A.;Cai, M.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Calvo Villar, E.;Camerini, P.;Carabas, M.;Carnesecchi, F.;Caron, R.;Castillo Castellanos, J.;Catalano, F.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Chakaberia, I.;Chakraborty, P.;Anuj, C.;Chandra, S.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Cheng, T.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Chibante Barroso, V.;Chizzali, E. S.;Cho, J.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Ciacco, M.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Ciupek, M. R.;Clai, G.;Colamaria, F.;Colburn, J. S.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Concas, M.;Balbastre, G. Conesa;Conesa del Valle, Z.;Contin, G.;Contreras, J. G.;Coquet, M. L.;Cormier, T. M.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Costanza, S.;Crochet, P.;Cruz-Torres, R.;Cuautle, E.;Cui, P.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dainese, A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, P.;Das, P.;Das, S.;Dash, A. R.;Dash, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Cilladi, L.;de Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;Ducati, M. B. Gay;De Marco, N.;De Martin, C.;Canedo, F. D. M.;De Pasquale, S.;Deb, S.;Deja, K. R.;Del Grande, R.;Dello Stritto, L.;Garner, K.;Deng, W.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Dietel, T.;Ding, Y.;Divià, R.;Dixit, D. U.;Djuvsland, Ø.;Dmitrieva, U.;Chinellato, D. D.;Dobrin, A.;Rosas, E. D.;Dönigus, B.;Galvan, C. D.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubinski, J. M.;Dubla, A.;Dudi, S.;Dupieux, P.;Durkac, M.;Dzalaiova, N.;Eder, T. M.;Ehlers, R. J.;Eikeland, V. N.;Eisenhut, F.;Elia, D.;Erazmus, B.;Ercolessi, F.;Erhardt, F.;Ersdal, M. R.;Espagnon, B.;Eulisse, G.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Fabbietti, L.;Faggin, M.;Faivre, J.;Fan, F.;Fan, W.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Fecchio, P.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Fernández Téllez, A.;Ferrero, A.;Ferretti, A.;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Rojas, P. F.;Figiel, J.;Filova, V.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiorenza, G.;Silva, T. F.;Flor, F.;Flores, A. N.;Foertsch, S.;Fokin, I.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Frajna, E.;Degenhardt, H. F.;Fuchs, U.;Funicello, N.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Fusayasu, T.;Gaardhøje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gal, A.;Munhoz, M. G.;Gangadharan, D. R.;Ganoti, P.;Garabatos, C.;Chavez, T. G.;Guardiano, G. G.;Garcia-Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Gargiulo, C.;Garibli, A.;Gautam, A.;Germain, M.;Ghosh, C.;Ghosh, S. K.;Giacalone, M.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;Giubilato, P.;Glaenzer, A. M. C.;Glässel, P.;Glimos, E.;Goh, D. J. Q.;Gonzalez, V.;González-Trueba, L. H.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorgon, M.;Görlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Grecka, E.;Greiner, L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoryan, S.;Grigoriev, V.;Harlenderova, A.;Grosa, F.;Grosse-Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Grund, D.;Guernane, R.;Guilbaud, M.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Guo, W.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Gyulai, L.;Habib, M. K.;Shimomura, M.;Hadjidakis, C.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamid, M.;Han, Y.;Hannigan, R.;Haque, M. R.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hassan, H.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hauer, P.;Havener, L. B.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbär, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herman, T.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Herrmann, S.;Hetland, K. F.;Heybeck, B.;Hillemanns, H.;Hills, C.;Hippolyte, B.;Hofman, B.;Hohlweger, B.;Honermann, J.;Hong, G. H.;Horak, D.;Horzyk, A.;Hosokawa, R.;Hou, Y.;Hristov, P.;Hughes, C.;Huhn, P.;Huhta, L. M.;Humanic, T. J.;Hushnud, H.;Hutson, A.;Hyodo, T.;Iddon, J. P.;Ilkaev, R.;Ilyas, H.;Inaba, M.;Innocenti, G. M.;Ippolitov, M.;Isakov, A.;Isidori, T.;Islam, M. S.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jablonski, M.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jaelani, S.;Jaffe, L.;Jahnke, C.;Rescakova, Z.;Janik, M. A.;Janson, T.;Jercic, M.;Jevons, O.;Jonas, F.;Jones, P. G.;Jowett, J. M.;Jung, J.;Jung, M.;Junique, A.;Jusko, A.;Kabus, M. J.;Kaewjai, J.;Kalinak, P.;Kalteyer, A. S.;Kalweit, A.;Kamiya, Y.;Kaplin, V.;Karasu Uysal, A.;Karatovic, D.;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karczmarczyk, P.;Karpechev, E.;Kashyap, V.;Kazantsev, A.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Ketzer, B.;Khan, A. M.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Khan, S.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, B.;Kim, C.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, E. J.;Kim, J.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kimura, K.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kitowski, J. P.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, J.;Klein, S.;Klein-Bösing, C.;Kleiner, M.;Klemenz, T.;Kluge, A.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Kollegger, T.;Kondratyev, A.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konig, J.;Konigstorfer, S. A.;Konopka, P. J.;Kornakov, G.;Korwieser, M.;Koryciak, S. D.;Kotliarov, A.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Králik, I.;Kravčáková, A.;Kreis, L.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Krizkova Gajdosova, K.;Kroesen, M.;Krüger, M.;Krupova, D. M.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kučera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumaoka, T.;Kumar, D.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, N.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kushpil, S.;Kvapil, J.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, J. Y.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Mazuecos, A. L.;Lai, Y. S.;Lakrathok, A.;Lamanna, M.;Langoy, R.;Larionov, P.;Laudi, E.;Lautner, L.;Lavicka, R.;Lazareva, T.;Lea, R.;Legras, G.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;León Monzón, I.;Lesch, M. M.;Lesser, E. D.;Lettrich, M.;Lévai, P.;Li, X.;Li, X. L.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lim, B.;Lim, S. H.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lindner, A.;Lippmann, C.;Liu, A.;Liu, D. H.;Liu, J.;Lofnes, I. M.;Loizides, C.;Loncar, P.;Lopez, X.;Lopez, J. A.;López Torres, E.;Lu, P.;Luhder, J. R.;Lunardon, M.;Luparello, G.;Ma, Y. G.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahmoud, T.;Maire, A.;Mal'Kevich, D.;Malaev, M.;Malfattore, G.;Malik, N. M.;Malik, Q. W.;Malik, S. K.;Malinina, L.;Mallick, D.;Mallick, N.;Mandaglio, G.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Sarti, V. M.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Marín, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, J. L.;Martínez, M. I.;Martínez García, G.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Massacrier, L.;Mastroserio, A.;Mathis, A. M.;Matonoha, O.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazzaschi, F.;Mazzilli, M.;Mdhluli, J. E.;Mechler, A. F.;Camacho, J. M. M.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca-Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Meres, M.;Perez, G. M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Micheletti, L.;Migliorin, L. C.;Mihaylov, D. L.;Mikhaylov, K.;Mishra, A. N.;Miśkowiec, D.;Modak, A.;Mohanty, A. P.;Mohanty, B.;Molander, M. A.;Moravcova, Z.;Mordasini, C.;Moreira De Godoy, D. A.;Morozov, I.;Morsch, A.;Mrnjavac, T.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Muhuri, S.;Mulligan, J. D.;Mulliri, A.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Myrcha, J. W.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nambrath, A. I.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Nassirpour, A. F.;Nath, A.;Nattrass, C.;Neagu, A.;Negru, A.;Nellen, L.;Nesbo, S. V.;Neskovic, G.;Nesterov, D.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nielsen, E. G.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Noh, S.;Nomokonov, P.;Norman, J.;Novitzky, N.;Nowakowski, P.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Ogino, M.;Ohlson, A.;Ohnishi, A.;Okorokov, V. A.;Oleniacz, J.;Oliveira Da Silva, A. C.;Oliver, M. H.;Onnerstad, A.;Oppedisano, C.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oya, M.;Oyama, K.;Pachmayer, Y.;Padhan, S.;Pagano, D.;Paić, G.;Guzman, S. P.;Palasciano, A.;Panebianco, S.;Salvan, M. P.;Park, H.;Park, J.;Parkkila, J. E.;Pathak, S. P.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Jimenez, A. A. P.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Pennisi, M.;Pereira, L. G.;Pereira Da Costa, H.;Peresunko, D.;Pezzi, R. P.;Perrin, S.;Pestov, Y.;Petráček, V.;Petrov, V.;Petrovici, M.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Pinto, C.;Pisano, S.;Planinic, M.;Stylianidis, C. P.;Pliquett, F.;Płoskoń, M.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Politano, S.;Poljak, N.;Pop, A.;Porteboeuf-Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pozdniakov, V.;Prasad, S. K.;Prasad, S.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Pucillo, S.;Pugelova, Z.;Qiu, S.;Quaglia, L.;Quishpe, R. E.;Ragoni, S.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Barret, V.;Rancien, T. A.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Räsänen, S. S.;Rath, R.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redelbach, A. R.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Reme-Ness, H. A.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, A.;Riabov, V.;Ricci, R.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedel, A. A.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rodríguez Cahuantzi, M.;Ramirez, S. A. R.;Røed, K.;Röhrich, D.;Rogalev, R.;Rogochaya, E.;Rogoschinski, T. S.;Rohr, D.;Torres, S. Rojas;Rokita, P. S.;Romanenko, G.;Ronchetti, F.;Rosano, A.;Rossi, A.;Roy, A.;Roy, P.;Roy, S.;Rubini, N.;Ruggiano, D.;Rui, R.;Rumyantsev, B.;Russek, P. G.;Russo, R.;Rustamov, A.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Rytkonen, H.;Rzesa, W.;Saarimaki, O. A. M.;Sadek, R.;Sadovsky, S.;Saetre, J.;Šafařík, K.;Saha, S.;Sahoo, B.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, D.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Sambyal, S.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sinha, T.;Sarma, P.;Sarritzu, V.;Sas, M. H. P.;Menon, A. S.;Schambach, J.;Scheid, H. S.;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmah, A.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M. O.;Schmidt, M.;Schmidt, N. V.;Schmier, A. R.;Schotter, R.;Schukraft, J.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senyukov, S.;Seo, J. J.;Serebryakov, D.;Šerkšnytė, L.;Sevcenco, A.;Shaba, T. J.;Shabetai, A.;Shahoyan, R.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, D.;Sharma, H.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, S.;Sharma, U.;Shatat, A.;Sheibani, O.;Shigaki, K.;Shirinkin, S.;Shou, Q.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Simantathammakul, T.;Simeonov, R.;Simonetti, G.;Singh, B.;Singh, B.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, R.;Singh, S.;Singh, V. K.;Singhal, V.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Skorodumovs, G.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Solheim, E. H.;Soncco, C.;Song, J.;Songmoolnak, A.;Soramel, F.;Sorensen, S.;Spijkers, R.;Sputowska, I.;Staa, J.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Steffanic, P. J.;Stiefelmaier, S. F.;Stocco, D.;Storehaug, I.;Storetvedt, M. M.;Stratmann, P.;Strazzi, S.;Suire, C.;Sukhanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sumberia, V.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Swain, S.;Szarka, I.;Tabassam, U.;Taghavi, S. F.;Taillepied, G.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tang, S.;Tang, Z.;Takaki, J. D. Tapia;Tapus, N.;Husova, L. A.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tassielli, G. F.;Tauro, A.;Telesca, A.;Terlizzi, L.;Terrevoli, C.;Tersimonov, G.;Thomas, D.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Tkacik, M.;Tkacik, T.;Toia, A.;Tokumoto, R.;Matuoka, P. F. T.;Topilskaya, N.;Toppi, M.;Torales-Acosta, F.;Tork, T.;Torres Ramos, A. G.;Trifiró, A.;Triolo, A. S.;Tripathy, S.;Tripathy, T.;Trogolo, S.;Sajdakova, K.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Trzcinski, T. P.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Ulukutlu, B.;Uras, A.;Urioni, M.;Usai, G. L.;Vala, M.;Valle, N.;Vallero, S.;Doremalen, L. V. R. van;Hulse, C. V.;van Leeuwen, M.;van Veen, C. A.;van Weelden, R. J. G.;Vande Vyvre, P.;Varga, D.;Varga, Z.;Varga-Kofarago, M.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vázquez Doce, O.;Rueda, O. V.;Vechernin, V.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limón, S.;Vermunt, L.;Vértesi, R.;Verweij, M.;Vickovic, L.;Vilakazi, Z.;Villalobos Baillie, O.;Vino, G.;Vinogradov, A.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Volkel, B.;Völkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von Haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Vozniuk, N.;Vrláková, J.;Wagner, B.;Wang, C.;Wang, D.;Weber, M.;Wegrzynek, A.;Weiglhofer, F. T.;Wenzel, S. C.;Wessels, J. P.;Weyhmiller, S. L.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Wright, J. R.;Wu, W.;Wu, Y.;Xu, R.;Yadav, A.;Yadav, A. K.;Yalcin, S.;Yamaguchi, Y.;Yamakawa, K.;Yang, S.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yoo, I. -K.;Yoon, J. H.;Zhi, Y.;Yuan, S.;Yuncu, A.;Zaccolo, V.;Zampolli, C.;Zanone, F.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Závada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, B.;Zhang, S.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, Z.;Zhao, M.;Zherebchevskii, V.;Zhigareva, N.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, Y.;Zinovjev, G.;Zurlo, N.;null, null
The interaction of K(-)with protons is characterised by the presence of several coupled channels, systems like (K) over bar (0)n and pi Sigma with a similar mass and the same quantum numbers as the K(-)p state. The strengths of these couplings to the K(-)p system are of crucial importance for the understanding of the nature of the Lambda(1405) resonance and of the attractive K(-)p strong interaction. In this article, we present measurements of the K(-)p correlation functions in relative momentum space obtained in pp collisions at root s = 13 Te, in p-Pb collisions at root sNN = 5.02 Te, and (semi)peripheral Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN = 5.02 Te. The emitting source size, composed of a core radius anchored to the K(+)p correlation and of a resonance halo specific to each particle pair, varies between 1 and 2 fm in these collision systems. The strength and the effects of the (K) over bar (0)n and pi Sigma inelastic channels on the measured K(-)p correlation function are investigated in the different colliding systems by comparing the data with state-of-the-art models of chiral potentials. A novel approach to determine the conversion weights omega, necessary to quantify the amount of produced inelastic channels in the correlation function, is presented. In this method, particle yields are estimated from thermal model predictions, and their kinematic distribution from blast-wave fits to measured data. The comparison of chiral potentials to the measured K(-)p interaction indicates that, while the pi Sigma-K(-)p dynamics is well reproduced by the model, the coupling to the (K) over bar (0)n channel in the model is currently underestimated.
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