Salento has peculiar natural and human characteristics: mainly flat territory occupied by twenty million centuries-old olive trees which by law could not be uprooted; land fragmentation characterized by family economy and small business; aging demographic structures. These aspects represented an objec-tive obstacle to the profitability of the land and a barrier to the free expansion of the market economy. In this context, the phenomenon of the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS) appears in 2013. It is attributed to various causes and pathogens including Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), a quarantine bacterium. How-ever, institutions focus only on Xf by adopting measures including felling of trees (infected and not), massive use of pesticides and a ban on planting Xfhost plants. The proclaimed emergency – which has become permanent – still allows today, after ten years, to derogate from the constitutional principles and ordi-nary legislation for the protection of olive trees and the landscape, to “free” the soil and allocate it to new uses that would otherwise be precluded. It is evident that the “Xylella issue”, far from being only agronomic and environ-mental, is a geopolitical issue.
Il Salento presenta caratteri naturali e antropici peculiari: territorio preva-lentemente pianeggiante occupato da venti milioni di ulivi plurisecolari che per legge non potevano essere espiantati; frammentazione fondiaria carat-terizzata da economia familiare e piccola impresa; strutture demografiche invecchiate. Tali aspetti rappresentavano un ostacolo oggettivo alla profittabi-lità del suolo e una barriera alla libera espansione dell’economia di mercato. In tale contesto si inserisce il fenomeno del disseccamento degli ulivi che nel 2013 è imputato a diverse cause e patogeni fra cui Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), batte-rio da quarantena. Tuttavia, le istituzioni si concentrano solo su Xf adottando misure che prevedono abbattimento di alberi (infetti e non), uso massiccio di pesticidi e divieto di piantare piante ospiti di Xf.La proclamata emergenza – divenuta permanente – consente ancora oggi, dopo dieci anni, di derogare ai principi costituzionali e alla normativa ordi-naria a tutela degli ulivi e del paesaggio, di “liberare” suolo e destinarlo a nuovi usi altrimenti preclusi. È evidente come la “questione Xylella”, lungi dall’essere solo agronomica e ambientale, è una questione geopolitica.
Emergenza Xylella in Salento (Puglia): una questione geopolitica
Margherita Ciervo
Salento has peculiar natural and human characteristics: mainly flat territory occupied by twenty million centuries-old olive trees which by law could not be uprooted; land fragmentation characterized by family economy and small business; aging demographic structures. These aspects represented an objec-tive obstacle to the profitability of the land and a barrier to the free expansion of the market economy. In this context, the phenomenon of the Olive Quick Decline Syndrome (OQDS) appears in 2013. It is attributed to various causes and pathogens including Xylella fastidiosa (Xf), a quarantine bacterium. How-ever, institutions focus only on Xf by adopting measures including felling of trees (infected and not), massive use of pesticides and a ban on planting Xfhost plants. The proclaimed emergency – which has become permanent – still allows today, after ten years, to derogate from the constitutional principles and ordi-nary legislation for the protection of olive trees and the landscape, to “free” the soil and allocate it to new uses that would otherwise be precluded. It is evident that the “Xylella issue”, far from being only agronomic and environ-mental, is a geopolitical issue.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.