Relations between Italy and Albania are millenary and strong, linked also to the geographical proximity, as written by Indro Montanelli in Albania one and a thousand in 1939, a proximity “not artificial: the natural ways of communication of Albania with the outside world, its umbilical cord is the strip of sea that separates it from our Peninsula”. Albania is a country where the contribution of the Italian media has been remarkable as a window on a new world called “West”. A relationship resumed in the late Risorgimento age, before the birth of the two states and then continued throughout the contemporary age between opening and closing phases. Between the two nations there were commercial links, as in the early years of the twentieth century; political, during the reign of Zog and after the fascist occupation lasted from 1939 to 1943; kept secret or even forbidden, when the communist regime of Enver Hoxha from 1943 to 1985 restrains contacts with the “capitalist Italy” and considered fascist. The economic and cultural relationship during the democratic transition until now. A long history that intersects the historical, cultural and educational aspects and analyses all the phases that have led Italy to become the most present partner in Albania influencing the development of the media in the Republic of the Eagles, from the first newspapers of the twentieth century in Italian, from Radio Tirana’s broadcasts in the Italian language to Italian-language televisions operating up to the 2000’s.This phenomenon despite the many educational and cultural paths between Italy and Albania has not led to an immediate transition from the language learned from television programmes to teach the Italian language in schools and in universities. It can be defined the Italian learned by the Albanians as an “Italian television” which greatly influenced the creation of a “Television Albanian”, a melting pot language popular for more than a decade. This research is divided into two macro-thematic areas: “Educational Historical Aspects” and “Cultural and Communication Aspects”. From the data analysed we can conclude that the Italian media were not treated by the Albanian people only as a means of entertainment, but also as a model of reference for a dream of freedom, become a true cultural model. The objectives to be pursued in this project are: - to analyse the role that the Italian media have played in the transformation of society, stressing the communist age when listening to and viewing the Italian media could lead to conviction, because of Article 55 of the Penal Code, for activities of agitation and propaganda against power; - to understand the language and the education in the transition between dictatorship and democracy in Albania. The Italian language was central during the fascist occupation, banned during the communist regime and has became the vehicular language for the Albanians until the end of the nineties; - to further explore the Illyrian project promoted by the Italian State, which allowed the study of Italian in schools analysing the data of one of the most successful educational projects of Italian institutions abroad; - to understand the rise and slight decline of the Italian soft power culture in Albania. Comprehend how a simple song or television programme can become, in the eyes of a spectator of one of Europe’s toughest dictatorships, a window of freedom and even a model to be followed; - -to draw a precise profile of the transformations of the role of television caused by the birth of commercial TV and the advent of the internet. Observing how the advent of commercial TV, then satellite TV and the rise of the cultural hegemony of the Anglo-Saxon world led Italy to lose its soft power in Albania; The methodology used for this project is mixed, seeking to integrate both quantitative and qualitative research. The differences in empirical evidence between “quantity” and “quality” do not justify the radicality that this distinction has acquired in the methodological debate. Statement made by Ortalda in Mixed Research Methods. In the Italian scene are important the reflections on the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods such as in the contributions of Lumbelli (1984), Campelli (1996), Calvani (1998), Mantovani (1998) and Pellerey (2011) in which solutions are offered in the perspective of quantitative or qualitative. The sources chosen are numerous and of different typologies looking for an interdisciplinary approach to the issues addressed. Various sources were used: - archival sources: consulting the funds of the Albanian State Archives; - international bibliographical sources: from Italian, International and Albanian historiographic sources which have rarely been used in a comparative manner; - oral sources: with the opportunity to interview numerous testimonies of the events analysed, always following the same method of investigation and choosing the sources that represent the points of view of the different Italian parties and factions that have had an interesting role for the Italian-Albanian relations; Albanians from the Socialist-Albanian Party area of the Democratic Party i.e. university lecturers, Albanian television leaders, journalists and political prisoners; - video sources: it was necessary the help of documentaries, films, television programmes, fiction, news, newsreels and visits to the Cinema Archive in Tirana; the vision of these materials gave answers to many questions much more immediately than the other sources.
I rapporti fra Italia e Albania sono millenari e forti, legati anche alla vicinanza geografica, come scrive Indro Montanelli in Albania una e mille nel 1939, una vicinanza “non artificiale: le naturali vie di comunicazione dell’Albania col mondo esterno, il suo funicolo ombelicale è la striscia di mare che la separa dalla nostra Penisola”1. L’Albania è un Paese dove non si può negare che sia stato notevole il contributo dei media italiani in quanto finestra su un nuovo mondo chiamato “Occidente”. Un rapporto ricominciato nella tarda età risorgimentale, prima della nascita dei due stati e proseguito poi tutta l’età contemporanea tra fasi di apertura e di chiusura. Fra le due nazioni ci sono stati legami commerciali, come nei primi anni del Novecento; politici, durante il regno di Zog e dopo l’occupazione fascista durata dal 1939 al 1943; segreti o addirittura vietati, quando il regime comunista di Enver Hoxha dal 1943 al 1985 frena i contatti con l’“Italia capitalista” e ritenuta fascista; economico-culturali durante la transizione democratica fino ad oggi. Una lunga cronostoria che interseca gli aspetti storici, culturali ed educativi e analizza tutte le fasi che hanno portato l’Italia a diventare il partner maggiormente presente in Albania influenzando lo sviluppo dei media nella Repubblica delle Aquile, dai primi giornali del Novecento in lingua italiana, passando dalle trasmissioni di Radio Tirana in lingua italiana fino alle televisioni italonofone attive fino agli anni duemila. Stretti rapporti che portano l’Albania a diventare fino alla fine degli anni novanta un Paese de facto dalla forte italofonia soprattutto grazie al ruolo dei media. Questo fenomeno nonostante i numerosi percorsi educativi e cultuali sviluppatisi fra l’Italia e l’Albania non ha portato, come la vulgata vuole, ad un passaggio immediato e consequenziale dall’apprendimento della lingua dai programmi televisivi e all’insegnamento della lingua italiana all’interno delle scuole albanesi e delle università. Si può definire l’italiano appreso dagli albanesi come un “italiano televisivo” che ha influenzato molto la creazione di un “albanese televisivo”, una lingua “melting pot” in auge per più di un decennio. Questo percorso di ricerca è diviso in due macro aree-tematiche: “Aspetti Storico Educativi” e“Aspetti Culturali e Comunicativi”. Dai dati analizzati si giunge alla conclusione di come i mass media italiani non siano stati trattati dal popolo albanese solo come un mezzo di intrattenimento, ma anche quale modello di riferimento per un sogno di libertà, diventando un vero e proprio modello culturale. Gli obiettivi da perseguire in questo progetto sono i seguenti: -analizzare il ruolo che i media italiani hanno avuto nella trasformazione della società sottolineando soprattutto l’età comunista quando l’ascolto e la visione dei media italiana può portare alla condanna per via dell’articolo 55 del codice penale, per attività di agitazione e propaganda contro il potere - della lingua e dell’educazione nel passaggio fra la dittatura e la democrazia in Albania. Come la lingua italiana è passata da essere centrale durante l’occupazione fascista, vietata durante il regime comunista e come nella fase di transizione è riuscita a diventare la lingua veicolare degli albanesi fino alla fine degli anni novanta. - approfondire il progetto Illiria promosso dallo stato italiano che ha permesso lo studio dell’italiano nelle scuole analizzando i dati lodevoli di uno dei progetti educativi di maggior successo delle istituzioni italiane all’estero; -comprendere l’ascesa e la lieve decadenza della soft power culturale italiana in Albania. Capire come una semplice canzone o un programma televisivo possano diventare, agli occhi di uno spettatore di una delle dittature più dure d’Europa una finestra di libertà e addirittura un modello da seguire; -tracciare un preciso profilo delle trasformazioni del ruolo della televisione causate dalla nascita della tv commerciale o generalista e dall’avvento di internet. Notando come l’avvento della tv commerciale prima, del satellite poi e dell’ascesa dell’egemonia culturale del mondo anglosassone abbiano portato l’Italia a perdere la sua “soft power” in Albania. La metodologia adoperata per questo progetto è di tipo misto, che cerca di integrare sia la ricerca quantitativa che quella qualitativa. Le differenze di evidenza empirica tra “quantità” e “qualità” non giustificano la radicalità che tale distinzione ha acquisito nel dibattito metodologico. Come afferma Ortalda in Metodi misti di ricerca. Applicazioni alle scienze umane e sociali non appare raro che sul campo gli strumenti si vadano a recuperare dove sono, senza troppe distinzioni teoriche. Nel panorama italiano importanti sono le riflessioni circa l’integrazione dei metodi quantitativi e qualitativi come ad esempio nei contributi di Lumbelli (1984), Campelli (1996), Calvani (1998), Mantovani (1998) e Pellerey (2011) all’interno dei quali si offrono di solito soluzioni all’interno della prospettiva o solo quantitativa o solo qualitativa. Le fonti scelte sono numerose e di tipologia differente cercando un approccio interdisciplinare alle tematiche affrontate. Si consultano quindi: -fonti archivistiche consultando i fondi dell’Archivio di Stato Albanese e di alcuni ministeri, le cui carte risultano poco consultate nella bibliografia italiana sia per la difficoltà della lingua sia perché il totale riordino dei documenti fondamentali è stato concluso solamente alcuni anni fa; - fonti bibliografiche internazionali: si fa un uso accurato fonti scelte fra le fonti storiografiche italiane, internazionali e albanesi che poche volte sono state utilizzate in maniera comparata. Infatti in diverse circostanze le opere pre-esistenti analizzano le stesse vicende partendo da punti di vista diametralmente opposti e giungendo a conclusioni in contrasto fra loro oppure si sono studiate questioni solo in maniera unilaterale, cioè italiani che trattano questioni albanesi facendo riferimento a fonti e punti di vista- italiani o viceversa. -fonti orali: trattando maggiormente la seconda metà del novecento e i primi anni duemila si ha la fortuna di poter intervistare numerosi testimoni degli eventi analizzati, seguendo sempre lo stesso metodo di inchiesta e avendo cura nello scegliere le fonti che rappresentano i punti di vista delle diverse parti e fazioni italiani che hanno o hanno avuto un ruolo interessante per i rapporti italo albanese-albanesi di area Partito Socialista- albanesi di area Partito Democratico- docenti universitari- dirigenti televisione albanese- giornalisti- prigionieri politici; -fonti video: essendo centrale il ruolo dedicato ai media in questo progetto di ricerca è stato necessario l’ausilio di documentari, film, programmi televisivi, fiction, telegiornali, cinegiornali e visite all’Archivio del Cinema di Tirana in quanto la visione di tali materiali ha dato delle risposte a numerosi quesiti in maniera molto più immediata rispetto alle altre fonti.
Ciao Shqipëria! Il ruolo storico-educativo e culturale dei media italiani in Albania nell’età contemporanea / Saracino, Vito. - (2020). [10.14274/saracino-vito_phd2020]
Ciao Shqipëria! Il ruolo storico-educativo e culturale dei media italiani in Albania nell’età contemporanea
Relations between Italy and Albania are millenary and strong, linked also to the geographical proximity, as written by Indro Montanelli in Albania one and a thousand in 1939, a proximity “not artificial: the natural ways of communication of Albania with the outside world, its umbilical cord is the strip of sea that separates it from our Peninsula”. Albania is a country where the contribution of the Italian media has been remarkable as a window on a new world called “West”. A relationship resumed in the late Risorgimento age, before the birth of the two states and then continued throughout the contemporary age between opening and closing phases. Between the two nations there were commercial links, as in the early years of the twentieth century; political, during the reign of Zog and after the fascist occupation lasted from 1939 to 1943; kept secret or even forbidden, when the communist regime of Enver Hoxha from 1943 to 1985 restrains contacts with the “capitalist Italy” and considered fascist. The economic and cultural relationship during the democratic transition until now. A long history that intersects the historical, cultural and educational aspects and analyses all the phases that have led Italy to become the most present partner in Albania influencing the development of the media in the Republic of the Eagles, from the first newspapers of the twentieth century in Italian, from Radio Tirana’s broadcasts in the Italian language to Italian-language televisions operating up to the 2000’s.This phenomenon despite the many educational and cultural paths between Italy and Albania has not led to an immediate transition from the language learned from television programmes to teach the Italian language in schools and in universities. It can be defined the Italian learned by the Albanians as an “Italian television” which greatly influenced the creation of a “Television Albanian”, a melting pot language popular for more than a decade. This research is divided into two macro-thematic areas: “Educational Historical Aspects” and “Cultural and Communication Aspects”. From the data analysed we can conclude that the Italian media were not treated by the Albanian people only as a means of entertainment, but also as a model of reference for a dream of freedom, become a true cultural model. The objectives to be pursued in this project are: - to analyse the role that the Italian media have played in the transformation of society, stressing the communist age when listening to and viewing the Italian media could lead to conviction, because of Article 55 of the Penal Code, for activities of agitation and propaganda against power; - to understand the language and the education in the transition between dictatorship and democracy in Albania. The Italian language was central during the fascist occupation, banned during the communist regime and has became the vehicular language for the Albanians until the end of the nineties; - to further explore the Illyrian project promoted by the Italian State, which allowed the study of Italian in schools analysing the data of one of the most successful educational projects of Italian institutions abroad; - to understand the rise and slight decline of the Italian soft power culture in Albania. Comprehend how a simple song or television programme can become, in the eyes of a spectator of one of Europe’s toughest dictatorships, a window of freedom and even a model to be followed; - -to draw a precise profile of the transformations of the role of television caused by the birth of commercial TV and the advent of the internet. Observing how the advent of commercial TV, then satellite TV and the rise of the cultural hegemony of the Anglo-Saxon world led Italy to lose its soft power in Albania; The methodology used for this project is mixed, seeking to integrate both quantitative and qualitative research. The differences in empirical evidence between “quantity” and “quality” do not justify the radicality that this distinction has acquired in the methodological debate. Statement made by Ortalda in Mixed Research Methods. In the Italian scene are important the reflections on the integration of quantitative and qualitative methods such as in the contributions of Lumbelli (1984), Campelli (1996), Calvani (1998), Mantovani (1998) and Pellerey (2011) in which solutions are offered in the perspective of quantitative or qualitative. The sources chosen are numerous and of different typologies looking for an interdisciplinary approach to the issues addressed. Various sources were used: - archival sources: consulting the funds of the Albanian State Archives; - international bibliographical sources: from Italian, International and Albanian historiographic sources which have rarely been used in a comparative manner; - oral sources: with the opportunity to interview numerous testimonies of the events analysed, always following the same method of investigation and choosing the sources that represent the points of view of the different Italian parties and factions that have had an interesting role for the Italian-Albanian relations; Albanians from the Socialist-Albanian Party area of the Democratic Party i.e. university lecturers, Albanian television leaders, journalists and political prisoners; - video sources: it was necessary the help of documentaries, films, television programmes, fiction, news, newsreels and visits to the Cinema Archive in Tirana; the vision of these materials gave answers to many questions much more immediately than the other sources.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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