Background: During the past decade, rapid growth in several scientific fields of relevant interest and, in particular, in the area of population-based epidemiological evidence, has encouraged to better explaining the role of diet in the prevention and control of morbidity and mortality resulting from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Changes in daily eating patterns and lifestyles occurred with economic development, are having a noteworthy influence on the health and nutritional status of the populations. As the availability of food expanded and become more assorted, there have been significant negative consequences in terms of inappropriate dietary patterns, decreased physical activities and a corresponding increase in chronic diet-related diseases. Chronic NCDs, such as diabetes, are becoming increasingly significant causes of disability among people, placing additional burdens on already overtaxed national health budgets. Diabetes represents not only a major concern in terms of clinical care but also an immense public health challenge. In 2016, over 3 million and 200 thousand people in Italy reported suffering from diabetes, 5.3% of the total population. Eye, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases disproportionately affect people with diabetes, which involve significant healthcare costs. Although many interventions can reduce the health burden of diabetes, the economic management of health resources is still limited. Therefore, evidence is needed to inform healthcare professionals and policy-makers of the costs and benefits of these interventions, and thus help payers and patients establishing priorities for diabetes prevention and control interventions. The aim of this population-based longitudinal study was to evaluate healthcare costs, diabetes prevalence, the onset of complications and the mortality of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) using the Cost-of-Illness (COI) approach on the combination of numerous administrative health databases. In other words, the model sought to estimate the average annual cost incurred by the Apulia Regional Health Service for the treatment of DM stratified by patients’ comorbidities. Methods: The Apulia region includes about 4 million individuals. Its DM population was identified through a combination of different databases: Hospital Discharge Registry (HDR), Cause of Death Registry (CDR), Outpatient Services Registry (OSR), User Fee Exempts Registry (UFER), and Drugs Prescription Registry (DPR). In order to estimate diabetes costs, a unique database matching the records extracted from data sources by using the personal ID number was created. All individuals, who during the year 2005 had a hospital discharge with an ICD-9 CM code 250.XX, and/or two consecutive prescriptions of drugs for diabetes (ATC code A10XXXX) within one year, and/or an exemption from co-payment healthcare costs specific for DM, were selected and followed up to 10 years. The prevalence, mortality, and healthcare costs (hospitalizations, drugs and outpatient examinations/visits) from the point of view of the Regional Health Service were calculated. Results: A total of 264,126 eligible subjects in the year 2005 were identified. At the index date, the study population was aged 65-69 for age class on average and consisted of 15.47% male and 14.77% female, and 70-74 years (13.68% male and 15.67% female). Only 0.38% of the sample was < 15 years. It is possible to argue that different contributions of the three classes of costs (HDFs, pharmaceutical prescriptions and outpatient services) were found in different years. The percentage of hospital costs on total expenditure has recorded diverse phases over the years, ranging from € 2778.82 in 2006 (72.98%) of costs among diabetic patients, to € 4060.73 in 2016 (73.79%). Consequently, the relative contribution of the other costs decreased: pharmaceutical cost ranged from € 895.43 in 2006 (23.52%), to € 1144.70 in 2016 (20.8%), and outpatient costs ranged from € 133.63 in 2006 (3.51%), to € 297.77 in 2016 (5.41%) reaching the minimum value in 2014 (€ 86.05). Conclusions: This study is the first that considers real Apulian data and COI model to estimate the economic burden of DM and its comorbidities from the Regional Health Service’s perspective. Merging different administrative databases can provide many data from large populations observed for long periods. This study was effective for its ability to give, in a relatively short time, a quite big set of estimates of the burden of DM, punctually providing information to policy-makers for health planning. The findings contained in this dissertation can be of interest to the sector involved in the control of public health, since economic evaluation is one of the most important components of studies focused on the management and control of public health. The model represents a valid decision support to evaluate the relative value of interventions that can improve the economic management of the health system and is effectively applicable to monitor the direct expense of the pathologies.
Background: Nell’ultimo decennio, l’accresciuto interesse manifestato in diversi ambiti scientifici e, in particolare, nell’ambito degli studi epidemiologici, ha contribuito a una più chiara definizione del ruolo della dieta nella prevenzione e nel controllo della morbilità e della mortalità derivanti da malattie croniche non trasmissibili (NCD). I mutamenti negli stili di vita, verificatisi a seguito dello sviluppo economico, stanno ancora notevolmente influenzando lo stato di salute e il comportamento alimentare di intere popolazioni. Con l’aumento della disponibilità e dell’assortimento di cibo, sono state registrate conseguenze significativamente negative in termini di modelli dietetici inappropriati, diminuzione dell’attività fisica e un corrispondente aumento delle malattie croniche legate all’alimentazione. Le malattie croniche non trasmissibili (ad esempio, il diabete), essendo le principali cause di disabilità, pongono pesanti oneri sui bilanci sanitari nazionali già sovra-tassati. Il diabete rappresenta ad oggi, non solo una delle maggiori preoccupazioni in termini di cure cliniche, ma anche una grande sfida per la salute pubblica. Nel 2016 oltre 3 milioni e 200 mila persone in Italia hanno riferito di avere il diabete; il 5,3% della popolazione totale. Le persone con diabete sono colpite in modo sproporzionato da malattie agli occhi, ai reni e da patologie cardiovascolari, le quali comportano costi sanitari significativi. Sebbene molti interventi possano ridurre il peso economico-sanitario del diabete, l’attività di gestione economica delle risorse sanitarie disponibili è ancora molto limitata. Pertanto, per informare gli operatori sanitari e i responsabili politici dei costi e dei benefici di nuovi e migliorati interventi, sono necessarie prove che possano abilmente stabilire quali sono le priorità per gli interventi di prevenzione e controllo del diabete. Lo scopo di questo studio longitudinale basato sulla popolazione, è quello di valutare i costi sanitari, la prevalenza, l’insorgenza di complicanze e la mortalità del Diabete Mellito (DM) usando l’approccio Cost-of-Illness (COI) per la combinazione dei database sanitari amministrativi. In altri termini, il modello ha cercato di stimare il costo medio annuo sostenuto dal Servizio Sanitario della Regione Puglia per il trattamento del DM stratificato per comorbidità. Metodi: Gli abitanti della Regione Puglia sono circa 4 milioni. La popolazione diabetica pugliese è stata identificata attraverso una combinazione di diversi database: Registro di Dimissione Ospedaliera (HDR), Registro Mortalità (CDR), Registro Servizi Ambulatoriali (OSR), Registro Esenti (UFER) e Registro Prescrizioni Farmaceutiche (DPR). Al fine di stimare i costi del diabete, è stato creato un database univoco corrispondente ai record estratti dalle fonti di dati utilizzando un codice personale identificativo (ID). Tutti gli individui che nel corso del 2005 hanno avuto una dimissione ospedaliera con un codice ICD-9 CM 250.XX, e / o due prescrizioni consecutive di farmaci per il diabete (codice ATC A10XXXX), e / o un’esenzione dal pagamento dei costi sanitari specifici per diabete, sono stati selezionati e seguiti per un periodo di 10 anni. Seguendo la prospettiva del Servizio Sanitario Regionale sono stati calcolati la prevalenza, la mortalità e i costi sanitari (costi per ricovero, farmaci e visite / esami ambulatoriali). Risultati: 264.126 soggetti che hanno risposto ai criteri di inclusione, sono stati identificati nel 2005. In tale data, la popolazione oggetto d’analisi aveva un’età media, identificata per classi di età di 65-69 anni ed era composta per il 15,47% di uomini e il 14,77% di donne e 70-74 anni (13,68% maschi e 15,67% femmine). Solo lo 0,38% del campione aveva meno di 15 anni. È possibile sostenere che per diversi anni sono stati riscontrati differenti contributi delle tre classi di costo (costi per ricovero, prescrizioni farmaceutiche e servizi ambulatoriali). La percentuale dei costi per ricovero sulla spesa totale ha registrato diverse fasi, passando da € 2778,82 nel 2006 (72,98%) dei costi tra i pazienti diabetici, a € 4060,73 nel 2016 (73,79%). Di conseguenza, il contributo relativo degli altri costi è stato inferiore: il costo farmaceutico è variato da € 895,43 nel 2006 (23,52%), a € 1144,70 nel 2016 (20,8%), e i costi ambulatoriali da € 133,63 nel 2006 (3,51%), a € 297,77 nel 2016 (5,41%) raggiungendo il valore minimo nel 2014 (€ 86,05). Conclusioni: Tale studio è stato il primo a definire un modello considerando dati reali provenienti dai registri sanitari della Regione Puglia e utilizzando l’approccio COI per stimare l’onere economico del DM e delle sue comorbilità dal punto di vista del Servizio Sanitario Regionale. La combinazione dei database sanitari-amministrativi, fornisce una grande quantità di dati provenienti da grandi popolazioni osservate per lunghi periodi di tempo. Il presente studio è stato efficace per la sua capacità di fornire, in tempi relativamente brevi, una serie piuttosto ampia di stime dell’onere del DM, fornendo informazioni puntuali ai responsabili politici per la pianificazione sanitaria. I risultati contenuti in questa tesi possono essere di interesse per il settore impegnato nel controllo della salute pubblica in quanto, la valutazione economica, è una delle componenti più importanti degli studi focalizzati sulla gestione e sul controllo della salute pubblica. Il modello, oltre a risultare applicabile per monitorare la spesa diretta delle patologie, rappresenta uno strumento decisionale atto a migliorare la gestione economica del sistema sanitario.
Food, nutrition services and health system management: investigating the cost-disease relationship / Salvatore, Fiorella Pia. - (2020). [10.14274/salvatore-fiorella-pia_phd2020]
Food, nutrition services and health system management: investigating the cost-disease relationship
SALVATORE, Fiorella Pia
Background: During the past decade, rapid growth in several scientific fields of relevant interest and, in particular, in the area of population-based epidemiological evidence, has encouraged to better explaining the role of diet in the prevention and control of morbidity and mortality resulting from Non-Communicable Diseases (NCDs). Changes in daily eating patterns and lifestyles occurred with economic development, are having a noteworthy influence on the health and nutritional status of the populations. As the availability of food expanded and become more assorted, there have been significant negative consequences in terms of inappropriate dietary patterns, decreased physical activities and a corresponding increase in chronic diet-related diseases. Chronic NCDs, such as diabetes, are becoming increasingly significant causes of disability among people, placing additional burdens on already overtaxed national health budgets. Diabetes represents not only a major concern in terms of clinical care but also an immense public health challenge. In 2016, over 3 million and 200 thousand people in Italy reported suffering from diabetes, 5.3% of the total population. Eye, kidney, and cardiovascular diseases disproportionately affect people with diabetes, which involve significant healthcare costs. Although many interventions can reduce the health burden of diabetes, the economic management of health resources is still limited. Therefore, evidence is needed to inform healthcare professionals and policy-makers of the costs and benefits of these interventions, and thus help payers and patients establishing priorities for diabetes prevention and control interventions. The aim of this population-based longitudinal study was to evaluate healthcare costs, diabetes prevalence, the onset of complications and the mortality of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) using the Cost-of-Illness (COI) approach on the combination of numerous administrative health databases. In other words, the model sought to estimate the average annual cost incurred by the Apulia Regional Health Service for the treatment of DM stratified by patients’ comorbidities. Methods: The Apulia region includes about 4 million individuals. Its DM population was identified through a combination of different databases: Hospital Discharge Registry (HDR), Cause of Death Registry (CDR), Outpatient Services Registry (OSR), User Fee Exempts Registry (UFER), and Drugs Prescription Registry (DPR). In order to estimate diabetes costs, a unique database matching the records extracted from data sources by using the personal ID number was created. All individuals, who during the year 2005 had a hospital discharge with an ICD-9 CM code 250.XX, and/or two consecutive prescriptions of drugs for diabetes (ATC code A10XXXX) within one year, and/or an exemption from co-payment healthcare costs specific for DM, were selected and followed up to 10 years. The prevalence, mortality, and healthcare costs (hospitalizations, drugs and outpatient examinations/visits) from the point of view of the Regional Health Service were calculated. Results: A total of 264,126 eligible subjects in the year 2005 were identified. At the index date, the study population was aged 65-69 for age class on average and consisted of 15.47% male and 14.77% female, and 70-74 years (13.68% male and 15.67% female). Only 0.38% of the sample was < 15 years. It is possible to argue that different contributions of the three classes of costs (HDFs, pharmaceutical prescriptions and outpatient services) were found in different years. The percentage of hospital costs on total expenditure has recorded diverse phases over the years, ranging from € 2778.82 in 2006 (72.98%) of costs among diabetic patients, to € 4060.73 in 2016 (73.79%). Consequently, the relative contribution of the other costs decreased: pharmaceutical cost ranged from € 895.43 in 2006 (23.52%), to € 1144.70 in 2016 (20.8%), and outpatient costs ranged from € 133.63 in 2006 (3.51%), to € 297.77 in 2016 (5.41%) reaching the minimum value in 2014 (€ 86.05). Conclusions: This study is the first that considers real Apulian data and COI model to estimate the economic burden of DM and its comorbidities from the Regional Health Service’s perspective. Merging different administrative databases can provide many data from large populations observed for long periods. This study was effective for its ability to give, in a relatively short time, a quite big set of estimates of the burden of DM, punctually providing information to policy-makers for health planning. The findings contained in this dissertation can be of interest to the sector involved in the control of public health, since economic evaluation is one of the most important components of studies focused on the management and control of public health. The model represents a valid decision support to evaluate the relative value of interventions that can improve the economic management of the health system and is effectively applicable to monitor the direct expense of the pathologies.File | Dimensione | Formato | |
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