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We present measurements of two-particle correlations with neutral pion trigger particles of transverse momenta 8 < p(T)(trig) < 16 GeV/c and associated charged particles of 0.5 < p(T)(assoc) < 10 GeV/c versus the azimuthal angle difference Delta phi at midrapidity in pp and central Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN= 2.76 TeV with ALICE. The new measurements exploit associated charged hadrons down to 0.5GeV/c, which significantly extends our previous measurement that only used charged hadrons above 3GeV/c. After subtracting the contributions of the flow background, v2to v(5), the per-trigger yields are extracted for vertical bar Delta phi vertical bar < 0.7 on the near and for vertical bar Delta phi - pi vertical bar < 1.1 on the away side. The ratio of per-trigger yields in Pb-Pb to those in pp collisions, I-AA, is measured on the near and away side for the 0-10% most central Pb-Pb collisions. On the away side, the per-trigger yields in Pb-Pb are strongly suppressed to the level of I-AA approximate to 0.6 for p(T)(assoc) > 3GeV/c, while with decreasing momenta an enhancement develops reaching about 5 at low p(T)(assoc) . On the near side, an enhancement of I-AA between 1.2 at the highest to 1.8 at the lowest p(T)(assoc) is observed. The data are compared to parton-energy-loss predictions of the JEWEL and AMPT event generators, as well as to a perturbative QCD calculation with medium-modified fragmentation functions. All calculations qualitatively describe the away-side suppression at high p(T)(assoc). Only AMPT captures the enhancement at low p(T)(assoc) , both on the near and away side. However, it also underpredicts IAAabove 5GeV/c, in particular on the near-side. (C) 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
Jet-like correlations with neutral pion triggers in pp and central Pb-Pb collisions at 2.76 TeV
Adam, J.;Adamova, D.;Aggarwal, M. M.;Rinella, G. Aglieri;Agnello, M.;Agrawal, N.;Ahammed, Z.;Ahmad, S.;Ahn, S. U.;Aiola, S.;Akindinov, A.;Alam, S. N.;Albuquerque, D. S. D.;Aleksandrov, D.;Alessandro, B.;Alexandre, D.;Alfaro Molina, R.;Alici, A.;Alkin, A.;Alme, J.;Alt, T.;Altinpinar, S.;Altsybeev, I.;Prado, C. Alves Garcia;An, M.;Andrei, C.;Andrews, H. A.;Andronic, A.;Anguelov, V.;Anson, C.;Anticic, T.;Antinori, F.;Antonioli, P.;Aphecetche, L.;Appelshaeuser, H.;Arcelli, S.;Arnaldi, R.;Arnold, O. W.;Arsene, I. C.;Arslandok, M.;Audurier, B.;Augustinus, A.;Averbeck, R.;Azmi, M. D.;Badala, A.;Baek, Y. W.;Bagnasco, S.;Bailhache, R.;Bala, R.;Balasubramanian, S.;Baldisseri, A.;Baral, R. C.;Barbano, A. M.;Barbera, R.;Barile, F.;Barnafoldi, G. G.;Barnby, L. S.;Barret, V.;Bartalini, P.;Barth, K.;Bartke, J.;Bartsch, E.;Basile, M.;Bastid, N.;Basu, S.;Bathen, B.;Batigne, G.;Camejo, A. Batista;Batyunya, B.;Batzing, P. C.;Bearden, I. G.;Beck, H.;Bedda, C.;Behera, N. K.;Belikov, I.;Bellini, F.;Bello Martinez, H.;Bellwied, R.;Belmont Moreno, E.;Beltran, L. G. E.;Belyaev, V.;Bencedi, G.;Beole, S.;Berceanu, I.;Bercuci, A.;Berdnikov, Y.;Berenyi, D.;Bertens, R. A.;Berzano, D.;Betev, L.;Bhasin, A.;Bhat, I. R.;Bhati, A. K.;Bhattacharjee, B.;Bhom, J.;Bianchi, L.;Bianchi, N.;Bianchin, C.;Bielcik, J.;Bielcikova, J.;Bilandzic, A.;Biro, G.;Biswas, R.;Biswas, S.;Bjelogrlic, S.;Blair, J. T.;Blau, D.;Blume, C.;Bock, F.;Bogdanov, A.;Boggild, H.;Boldizsar, L.;Bombara, M.;Bonora, M.;Book, J.;Borel, H.;Borissov, A.;Borri, M.;Bossu, F.;Botta, E.;Bourjau, C.;Braun Munzinger, P.;Bregant, M.;Broker, T. A.;Browning, T. A.;Broz, M.;Brucken, E. J.;Bruna, E.;Bruno, G. E.;Budnikov, D.;Buesching, H.;Bufalino, S.;Buhler, P.;Buitron, S. A. I.;Buncic, P.;Busch, O.;Buthelezi, Z.;Butt, J. B.;Buxton, J. T.;Cabala, J.;Caffarri, D.;Cai, X.;Caines, H.;Caliva, A.;Villar, E. Calvo;Camerini, P.;Carena, F.;Carena, W.;Carnesecchi, F.;Castellanos, J. Castillo;Castro, A. J.;Casula, E. A. R.;Ceballos Sanchez, C.;Cepila, J.;Cerello, P.;Cerkala, J.;Chang, B.;Chapeland, S.;Chartier, M.;Charvet, J. L.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chattopadhyay, S.;Chauvin, A.;Chelnokov, V.;Cherney, M.;Cheshkov, C.;Cheynis, B.;Barroso, V. Chibante;Chinellato, D. D.;Cho, S.;Chochula, P.;Choi, K.;Chojnacki, M.;Choudhury, S.;Christakoglou, P.;Christensen, C. H.;Christiansen, P.;Chujo, T.;Chung, S. U.;Cicalo, C.;Cifarelli, L.;Cindolo, F.;Cleymans, J.;Colamaria, F.;Colella, D.;Collu, A.;Colocci, M.;Balbastre, G. Conesa;del Valle, Z. Conesa;Connors, M. E.;Contreras, J. G.;Cormier, T. M.;Morales, Y. Corrales;Cortes Maldonado, I.;Cortese, P.;Cosentino, M. R.;Costa, F.;Crkovska, J.;Crochet, P.;Cruz Albino, R.;Cuautle, E.;Cunqueiro, L.;Dahms, T.;Dainese, A.;Danisch, M. C.;Danu, A.;Das, D.;Das, I.;Das, S.;Dash, A.;Dash, S.;De, S.;De Caro, A.;de Cataldo, G.;De Conti, C.;De Cuveland, J.;De Falco, A.;De Gruttola, D.;De Marco, N.;De Pasquale, S.;De Souza, R. D.;Deisting, A.;Deloff, A.;Deplano, C.;Dhankher, P.;Di Bari, D.;Di Mauro, A.;Di Nezza, P.;DI RUZZA, BENEDETTO;Diaz Corchero, M. A.;Dietel, T.;Dillenseger, P.;Divia, R.;Djuvsland, O.;Dobrin, A.;Gimenez, D. Domenicis;Doenigus, B.;Dordic, O.;Drozhzhova, T.;Dubey, A. K.;Dubla, A.;Ducroux, L.;Duggal, A. K.;Dupieux, P.;Ehlers, R. J.;Elia, D.;Endress, E.;Engel, H.;Epple, E.;Erazmus, B.;Erhardt, F.;Espagnon, B.;Estienne, M.;Esumi, S.;Eulisse, G.;Eum, J.;Evans, D.;Evdokimov, S.;Eyyubova, G.;Fabbietti, L.;Fabris, D.;Faivre, J.;Fantoni, A.;Fasel, M.;Feldkamp, L.;Feliciello, A.;Feofilov, G.;Ferencei, J.;Fernandez Tellez, A.;Ferreiro, E. G.;Ferretti, A.;FESTANTI, ANDREA;Feuillard, V. J. G.;Figiel, J.;Figueredo, M. A. S.;Filchagin, S.;Finogeev, D.;Fionda, F. M.;Fiore, E. M.;Floris, M.;Foertsch, S.;Foka, P.;Fokin, S.;Fragiacomo, E.;Francescon, A.;Francisco, A.;Frankenfeld, U.;Fronze, G. G.;Fuchs, U.;Furget, C.;Furs, A.;Girard, M. Fusco;Gaardhoje, J. J.;Gagliardi, M.;Gago, A. M.;Gajdosova, K.;Gallio, M.;Galvan, C. D.;Gangadharan, D. R.;Ganoti, P.;Gao, C.;Garabatos, C.;Garcia Solis, E.;Garg, K.;Garg, P.;Gargiulo, C.;Gasik, P.;Gauger, E. F.;Germain, M.;Gheata, M.;Ghosh, P.;Ghosh, S. K.;Gianotti, P.;Giubellino, P.;GIUBILATO, PIERO;Gladysz Dziadus, E.;Glaessel, P.;Gomez Coral, D. M.;Ramirez, A. Gomez;Gonzalez, A. S.;Gonzalez, V.;Gonzalez Zamora, P.;Gorbunov, S.;Gorlich, L.;Gotovac, S.;Grabski, V.;Grachov, O. A.;Graczykowski, L. K.;Graham, K. L.;Grelli, A.;Grigoras, C.;Grigoriev, V.;Grigoryan, A.;Grigoryan, S.;Grinyov, B.;Grion, N.;Gronefeld, J. M.;Grosse Oetringhaus, J. F.;Grosso, R.;Gruber, L.;Guber, F.;Guernane, R.;Guerzoni, B.;Gulbrandsen, K.;Gunji, T.;Gupta, A.;Gupta, R.;Guzman, I. B.;Haake, R.;Hadjidakis, C.;Haiduc, M.;Hamagaki, H.;Hamar, G.;Hamon, J. C.;Harris, J. W.;Harton, A.;Hatzifotiadou, D.;Hayashi, S.;Heckel, S. T.;Hellbar, E.;Helstrup, H.;Herghelegiu, A.;Herrera Corral, G.;Herrmann, F.;Hess, B. A.;Hetland, K. F.;Hillemanns, H.;Hippolyte, B.;Horak, D.;Hosokawa, R.;Hristov, P.;Hughes, C.;Humanic, T. J.;Hussain, N.;Hussain, T.;Hutter, D.;Hwang, D. S.;Ilkaev, R.;Inaba, M.;Incani, E.;Ippolitov, M.;Irfan, M.;Isakov, V.;Ivanov, M.;Ivanov, V.;Izucheev, V.;Jacak, B.;Jacazio, N.;Jacobs, P. M.;Jadhav, M. B.;Jadlovska, S.;Jadlovsky, J.;Jahnke, C.;Jakubowska, M. J.;Janik, M. A.;Jayarathna, P. H. S. Y.;Jena, C.;Jena, S.;Bustamante, R. T. Jimenez;Jones, P. G.;Jung, H.;Jusko, A.;Kalinak, P.;Kalweit, A.;Kang, J. H.;Kaplin, V.;Kar, S.;Uysal, A. Karasu;Karavichev, O.;Karavicheva, T.;Karayan, L.;Karpechev, E.;Kebschull, U.;Keidel, R.;Keijdener, D. L. D.;Keil, M.;Khan, M. Mohisin;Khan, P.;Khan, S. A.;Khanzadeev, A.;Kharlov, Y.;Khatun, A.;Khuntia, A.;Kileng, B.;Kim, D. W.;Kim, D. J.;Kim, D.;Kim, H.;Kim, J. S.;Kim, J.;Kim, M.;Kim, M.;Kim, S.;Kim, T.;Kirsch, S.;Kisel, I.;Kiselev, S.;Kisiel, A.;Kiss, G.;Klay, J. L.;Klein, C.;Klein, J.;Klein Boesing, C.;Klewin, S.;Kluge, A.;Knichel, M. L.;Knospe, A. G.;Kobdaj, C.;Kofarago, M.;Kollegger, T.;Kolojvari, A.;Kondratiev, V.;Kondratyeva, N.;Kondratyuk, E.;Konevskikh, A.;Kopcik, M.;Kour, M.;Kouzinopoulos, C.;Kovalenko, O.;Kovalenko, V.;Kowalski, M.;Meethaleveedu, G. Koyithatta;Kralik, I.;Kravcakova, A.;Krivda, M.;Krizek, F.;Kryshen, E.;Krzewicki, M.;Kubera, A. M.;Kucera, V.;Kuhn, C.;Kuijer, P. G.;Kumar, A.;Kumar, J.;Kumar, L.;Kumar, S.;Kundu, S.;Kurashvili, P.;Kurepin, A.;Kurepin, A. B.;Kuryakin, A.;Kweon, M. J.;Kwon, Y.;La Pointe, S. L.;La Rocca, P.;Fernandes, C. Lagana;Lakomov, I.;Langoy, R.;Lapidus, K.;Lara, C.;Lardeux, A.;Lattuca, A.;Laudi, E.;Lazaridis, L.;Lea, R.;Leardini, L.;Lee, S.;Lehas, F.;Lehner, S.;Lehrbach, J.;Lemmon, R. C.;Lenti, V.;Leogrande, E.;Leon Monzon, I.;Leon Vargas, H.;Leoncino, M.;Levai, P.;Li, S.;Li, X.;Lien, J.;Lietava, R.;Lindal, S.;Lindenstruth, V.;Lippmann, C.;Lisa, M. A.;Ljunggren, H. M.;Lodato, D. F.;Loenne, P. I.;Loginov, V.;Loizides, C.;Lopez, X.;Lopez Torres, E.;Lowe, A.;Luettig, P.;LUNARDON, MARCELLO;Luparello, G.;Lupi, M.;Lutz, T. H.;Maevskaya, A.;Mager, M.;Mahajan, S.;Mahmood, S. M.;Maire, A.;Majka, R. D.;Malaev, M.;Maldonado Cervantes, I.;Malinina, L.;Mal'Kevich, D.;Malzacher, P.;Mamonov, A.;Manko, V.;Manso, F.;Manzari, V.;Mao, Y.;Marchisone, M.;Mares, J.;Margagliotti, G. V.;Margotti, A.;Margutti, J.;Marin, A.;Markert, C.;Marquard, M.;Martin, N. A.;Martinengo, P.;Martinez, M. I.;Garcia, G. Martinez;Pedreira, M. Martinez;Mas, A.;Masciocchi, S.;Masera, M.;Masoni, A.;Mastroserio, A.;Matyja, A.;Mayer, C.;Mazer, J.;Mazzilli, M.;Mazzoni, M. A.;Meddi, F.;Melikyan, Y.;Menchaca Rocha, A.;Meninno, E.;Perez, J. Mercado;Meres, M.;Mhlanga, S.;Miake, Y.;Mieskolainen, M. M.;Mikhaylov, K.;Milosevic, J.;Mischke, A.;Mishra, A. N.;Mishra, T.;Miskowiec, D.;Mitra, J.;Mitu, C. M.;Mohammadi, N.;Mohanty, B.;Molnar, L.;Montes, E.;De Godoy, D. A. Moreira;Moreno, L. A. P.;MORETTO, SANDRA;Morreale, A.;Morsch, A.;Muccifora, V.;Mudnic, E.;Muehlheim, D.;Muhuri, S.;Mukherjee, M.;Mulligan, J. D.;Munhoz, M. G.;Muenning, K.;Munzer, R. H.;Murakami, H.;Murray, S.;Musa, L.;Musinsky, J.;Naik, B.;Nair, R.;Nandi, B. K.;Nania, R.;Nappi, E.;Naru, M. U.;da Luz, H. Natal;Nattrass, C.;Navarro, S. R.;Nayak, K.;Nayak, R.;Nayak, T. K.;Nazarenko, S.;Nedosekin, A.;De Oliveira, R. A. Negrao;Nellen, L.;Ng, F.;Nicassio, M.;Niculescu, M.;Niedziela, J.;Nielsen, B. S.;Nikolaev, S.;Nikulin, S.;Nikulin, V.;Noferini, F.;Nomokonov, P.;Nooren, G.;Noris, J. C. C.;Norman, J.;Nyanin, A.;Nystrand, J.;Oeschler, H.;Oh, S.;Oh, S. K.;Ohlson, A.;Okatan, A.;Okubo, T.;Olah, L.;Oleniacz, J.;Da Silva, A. C. Oliveira;Oliver, M. H.;Onderwaater, J.;Oppedisano, C.;Orava, R.;Oravec, M.;Ortiz Velasquez, A.;Oskarsson, A.;Otwinowski, J.;Oyama, K.;Ozdemir, M.;Pachmayer, Y.;Pagano, D.;Pagano, P.;Paic, G.;Pal, S. K.;Palni, P.;Pan, J.;Pandey, A. K.;Papikyan, V.;Pappalardo, G. S.;Pareek, P.;Park, J.;Park, W. J.;Parmar, S.;Passfeld, A.;Paticchio, V.;Patra, R. N.;Paul, B.;Pei, H.;Peitzmann, T.;Peng, X.;Da Costa, H. Pereira;Peresunko, D.;Lezama, E. Perez;Peskov, V.;Pestov, Y.;Petracek, V.;Petrov, V.;Petrovici, M.;Petta, C.;Piano, S.;Pikna, M.;Pillot, P.;Pimentel, L. O. D. L.;Pinazza, O.;Pinsky, L.;Piyarathna, D. B.;Ploskon, M.;Planinic, M.;Pluta, J.;Pochybova, S.;Podesta Lerma, P. L. M.;Poghosyan, M. G.;Polichtchouk, B.;Poljak, N.;Poonsawat, W.;Pop, A.;Poppenborg, H.;Porteboeuf Houssais, S.;Porter, J.;Pospisil, J.;Prasad, S. K.;Preghenella, R.;Prino, F.;Pruneau, C. A.;Pshenichnov, I.;Puccio, M.;Puddu, G.;Pujahari, P.;Punin, V.;Putschke, J.;Qvigstad, H.;Rachevski, A.;Raha, S.;Rajput, S.;Rak, J.;Rakotozafindrabe, A.;Ramello, L.;Rami, F.;Raniwala, R.;Raniwala, S.;Rasanen, S. S.;Rascanu, B. T.;Rathee, D.;Ratza, V.;Ravasenga, I.;Read, K. F.;Redlich, K.;Rehman, A.;Reichelt, P.;Reidt, F.;Ren, X.;Renfordt, R.;Reolon, A. R.;Reshetin, A.;Reygers, K.;Riabov, V.;Ricci, R. A.;Richert, T.;Richter, M.;Riedler, P.;Riegler, W.;Riggi, F.;Ristea, C.;Rodriguez Cahuantzi, M.;Roed, K.;Rogochaya, E.;Rohr, D.;Rohrich, D.;Ronchetti, F.;Ronflette, L.;Rosnet, P.;ROSSI, ANDREA;Roukoutakis, F.;Roy, A.;Roy, C.;Roy, P.;Rubio Montero, A. J.;Rui, R.;Russo, R.;Ryabinkin, E.;Ryabov, Y.;Rybicki, A.;Saarinen, S.;Sadhu, S.;Sadovsky, S.;Safarik, K.;Sahlmuller, B.;Sahoo, P.;Sahoo, R.;Sahoo, S.;Sahu, P. K.;Saini, J.;Sakai, S.;Saleh, M. A.;Salzwedel, J.;Sambyal, S.;Samsonov, V.;Sandor, L.;Sandoval, A.;Sano, M.;Sarkar, D.;Sarkar, N.;Sarma, P.;Scapparone, E.;SCARLASSARA, FERNANDO;Schiaua, C.;Schicker, R.;Schmidt, C.;Schmidt, H. R.;Schmidt, M.;Schukraft, J.;Schutz, Y.;Schwarz, K.;Schweda, K.;Scioli, G.;Scomparin, E.;Scott, R.;Sefcik, M.;Seger, J. E.;Sekiguchi, Y.;Sekihata, D.;Selyuzhenkov, I.;Senosi, K.;Senyukov, S.;Serradilla, E.;Sevcenco, A.;Shabanov, A.;Shabetai, A.;Shadura, O.;Shahoyan, R.;Shangaraev, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, A.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, M.;Sharma, N.;Sheikh, A. I.;Shigaki, K.;Shou, Q.;Shtejer, K.;Sibiriak, Y.;Siddhanta, S.;Sielewicz, K. M.;Siemiarczuk, T.;Silvermyr, D.;Silvestre, C.;Simatovic, G.;Simonetti, G.;Singaraju, R.;Singh, R.;Singhal, V.;Sinha, T.;Sitar, B.;Sitta, M.;Skaali, T. B.;Slupecki, M.;Smirnov, N.;Snellings, R. J. M.;Snellman, T. W.;Song, J.;Song, M.;Song, Z.;SORAMEL, FRANCESCA;Sorensen, S.;Sozzi, F.;Spiriti, E.;Sputowska, I.;Spyropoulou Stassinaki, M.;Stachel, J.;Stan, I.;Stankus, P.;Stenlund, E.;Steyn, G.;Stiller, J. H.;Stocco, D.;Strmen, P.;Suaide, A. A. P.;Sugitate, T.;Suire, C.;Suleymanov, M.;Suljic, M.;Sultanov, R.;Sumbera, M.;Sumowidagdo, S.;Suzuki, K.;Swain, S.;Szabo, A.;Szarka, I.;Szczepankiewicz, A.;Szymanski, M.;Tabassam, U.;Takahashi, J.;Tambave, G. J.;Tanaka, N.;Tarhini, M.;Tariq, M.;Tarzila, M. G.;Tauro, A.;Tejeda Munoz, G.;Telesca, A.;Terasaki, K.;TERREVOLI, CRISTINA;Teyssier, B.;Thader, J.;Thakur, D.;Thomas, D.;Tieulent, R.;Tikhonov, A.;Timmins, A. R.;Toia, A.;Tripathy, S.;Trogolo, S.;Trombetta, G.;Trubnikov, V.;Trzaska, W. H.;Tsuji, T.;Tumkin, A.;Turrisi, R.;Tveter, T. S.;Ullaland, K.;Uras, A.;Usai, G. L.;Utrobicic, A.;Vala, M.;Van der Maarel, J.;Van Hoorne, J. W.;van Leeuwen, M.;Vanat, T.;Vyvre, P. Vande;Varga, D.;Vargas, A.;Vargyas, M.;Varma, R.;Vasileiou, M.;Vasiliev, A.;Vauthier, A.;Doce, O. Vazquez;Vechernin, V.;Veen, A. M.;Velure, A.;Vercellin, E.;Vergara Limon, S.;Vernet, R.;Vertesi, R.;Vickovic, L.;Vigolo, S.;Viinikainen, J.;Vilakazi, Z.;Baillie, O. Villalobos;Villatoro Tello, A.;Vinogradov, A.;Vinogradov, L.;Virgili, T.;Vislavicius, V.;Vodopyanov, A.;Voelkl, M. A.;Voloshin, K.;Voloshin, S. A.;Volpe, G.;von haller, B.;Vorobyev, I.;Voscek, D.;Vranic, D.;Vrlakova, J.;Vulpescu, B.;Wagner, B.;Wagner, J.;Wang, H.;Wang, M.;Watanabe, D.;Watanabe, Y.;Weber, M.;Weber, S. G.;Weiser, D. F.;Wessels, J. P.;Westerhoff, U.;Whitehead, A. M.;Wiechula, J.;Wikne, J.;Wilk, G.;Wilkinson, J.;Willems, G. A.;Williams, M. C. S.;Windelband, B.;Winn, M.;Yalcin, S.;Yang, P.;Yano, S.;Yin, Z.;Yokoyama, H.;Yoo, I. K.;Yoon, J. H.;Yurchenko, V.;Zaccolo, V.;Zaman, A.;Zampolli, C.;Zanoli, H. J. C.;Zaporozhets, S.;Zardoshti, N.;Zarochentsev, A.;Zavada, P.;Zaviyalov, N.;Zbroszczyk, H.;Zgura, I. S.;Zhalov, M.;Zhang, H.;Zhang, X.;Zhang, Y.;Zhang, C.;Zhang, Z.;Zhao, C.;Zhigareva, N.;Zhou, D.;Zhou, Y.;Zhou, Z.;Zhu, H.;Zhu, J.;Zhu, X.;Zichichi, A.;Zimmermann, A.;Zimmermann, M. B.;Zinovjev, G.;Zmeskal, J.
We present measurements of two-particle correlations with neutral pion trigger particles of transverse momenta 8 < p(T)(trig) < 16 GeV/c and associated charged particles of 0.5 < p(T)(assoc) < 10 GeV/c versus the azimuthal angle difference Delta phi at midrapidity in pp and central Pb-Pb collisions at root sNN= 2.76 TeV with ALICE. The new measurements exploit associated charged hadrons down to 0.5GeV/c, which significantly extends our previous measurement that only used charged hadrons above 3GeV/c. After subtracting the contributions of the flow background, v2to v(5), the per-trigger yields are extracted for vertical bar Delta phi vertical bar < 0.7 on the near and for vertical bar Delta phi - pi vertical bar < 1.1 on the away side. The ratio of per-trigger yields in Pb-Pb to those in pp collisions, I-AA, is measured on the near and away side for the 0-10% most central Pb-Pb collisions. On the away side, the per-trigger yields in Pb-Pb are strongly suppressed to the level of I-AA approximate to 0.6 for p(T)(assoc) > 3GeV/c, while with decreasing momenta an enhancement develops reaching about 5 at low p(T)(assoc) . On the near side, an enhancement of I-AA between 1.2 at the highest to 1.8 at the lowest p(T)(assoc) is observed. The data are compared to parton-energy-loss predictions of the JEWEL and AMPT event generators, as well as to a perturbative QCD calculation with medium-modified fragmentation functions. All calculations qualitatively describe the away-side suppression at high p(T)(assoc). Only AMPT captures the enhancement at low p(T)(assoc) , both on the near and away side. However, it also underpredicts IAAabove 5GeV/c, in particular on the near-side. (C) 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier B.V.
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