The article aims to contribute to the analysis of the skills that educators and pedagogists can develop in their training in the specific field of “Emergency Pedagogy”. In this sense we intend to focus on: the principles of this field (epistemological and contextual characteristics); the main theoretical constructs; the main characteristics of professional action. This theoretical-practical platform appears to be more urgent than ever to qualify the action of education professionals because of the actuality that categories such as “risk” and “emergency” are assuming on the international scene. The contribution aims to fill a specific gap in the thinking of Pedagogy compared to other human and social sciences that have long since thematised the “emergency” problem, defining sets for their own specific professional profiles.
L’articolo intende contribuire all’analisi delle competenze che i professionisti dell’educazione (d’ora in poi PE) possono sviluppare nel loro percorso di formazione nel campo specifico della “Pedagogia dell’emergenza”. In tal senso si intendono focalizzare: i principi di tale campo (caratteristiche epistemologiche e di contesto); i costrutti teorici principali; le caratteristiche principali dell’agire professionale. Tale piattaforma teorico-prassica è quanto mai urgente per qualificare l’azione dei PE in ragione dell’attualità che categorie quali “rischio” ed “emergenza” stanno assumendo sul proscenio internazionale. Il contributo è finalizzato a colmare uno specifico ritardo di riflessione della Pedagogia rispetto ad altre scienze umane e sociali che già da tempo hanno tematizzato il problema “emergenza”, delineando set di competenze per i profili professionali di propria pertinenza.
Il Nomos dell’aratro. Pedagogia dell’emergenza per le professionalità educative
giuseppe annacontini
The article aims to contribute to the analysis of the skills that educators and pedagogists can develop in their training in the specific field of “Emergency Pedagogy”. In this sense we intend to focus on: the principles of this field (epistemological and contextual characteristics); the main theoretical constructs; the main characteristics of professional action. This theoretical-practical platform appears to be more urgent than ever to qualify the action of education professionals because of the actuality that categories such as “risk” and “emergency” are assuming on the international scene. The contribution aims to fill a specific gap in the thinking of Pedagogy compared to other human and social sciences that have long since thematised the “emergency” problem, defining sets for their own specific professional profiles.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.