The long, unpublished poetic work of a humanist from Monopoli, Aurelio Serena, preserved in the manuscript 7.1.19 of the Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina of Seville, and concerning the papal Villa of the Magliana, was composed in the first months of 1515 on the occasion of the trip to Rome of Isabella d’Este, Marchesa di Mantova, and subjected to a long and perhaps not definitive revision. Aside from the recurrent praises of the pope, Leo X, and of Rome and the villa itself (the latter elaborated according to established Albertian conventions), some aspects of particular interest and significance are worth pointing out: the description of the pictorial cycle in the villa, not previously mentioned by other sources, which was commissioned by Julius II and celebrated his military successes; the careful and precise description of the various phases of the papal hunts in the Roman campagna; and the leading role of Isabella d’Este, whose speech, delivered at the end of the hunt before Leo X and the most important prelates of the Sacro Collegio, occupies a good half of the text (another episode not previously documented in other contemporary sources and until now ignored). Also important is the way the Marchesana’s oration is set out, touching upon crucial issues of domestic and foreign affairs, as if intended to furnish Giovanni de’ Medici, just recently elected pope, with a detailed and operative program: from urban interventions in Rome, regarding the recovery and conservation of ancient ruins and residential housing, to the theme of the crusade and relations among the regional Italian states, and the thorny and very timely questions of the lawfulness of the duel and of bellum iustum (just war). A more detailed examination of Serena’s text and especially of Isabella’s contributions, which offers food for thought on multiple levels, is currently in progress
L’inedito lungo componimento poetico dell’umanista monopolitano Aurelio Serena, tràdito dal ms 7.1.19 della Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina di Siviglia e dedicato alla villa papale della Magliana, fu composto nei primi mesi del 1515 in occasione del viaggio a Roma della Marchesa di Mantova Isabella d’Este e sottoposto a lunga e forse non definitiva revisione. Al di là dei topici e ricorrenti elogi del papa, Leone X, di Roma e della stessa villa, elaborati questi ultimi anche sulla scorta di codificate formule albertiane, sono da rilevare alcuni aspetti di particolare interesse e rilievo: la descrizione di un ciclo pittorico presente nella villa e finora non tramandato da altre fonti, che fu voluto da Giulio II e che celebrava i successi militari del pontefice; l’attenta e puntuale descrizione delle varie fasi dello svolgimento delle cacce papali nella campagna romana; il protagonismo di Isabella d’Este che col suo discorso pronunciato al termine della battuta di caccia di fronte a Leone X e alla presenza dei più alti prelati del Sacro Collegio occupa una buona metà del testo: anche in questo caso l’episodio non è documentato da altre testimonianze coeve ed era finora ignoto. Importante altresì l’impostazione dell’orazione della Marchesana, che tocca argomenti cruciali di politica interna ed estera, quasi a voler fornire un dettagliato programma operativo a Giovanni de’ Medici da pochissimo assurto al pontificato: dagli interventi urbanistici su Roma, riguardanti il recupero conservativo delle antiche rovine e l’edilizia residenziale, al tema della crociata e dei rapporti tra gli Stati regionali italiani, alla spinosa e quanto mai attuale liceità del duello e dello iustum bellum. Si rinvia ad altra sede una più particolareggiata disamina dello scritto del Serena e soprattutto dell’intervento di Isabella, che offre a più livelli molteplici spunti di riflessione.
17 gennaio 1515: Aurelio Serena e gli ozi alla villa della Magliana di Isabella d’Este
domenico defilippis;isabella nuovo
The long, unpublished poetic work of a humanist from Monopoli, Aurelio Serena, preserved in the manuscript 7.1.19 of the Biblioteca Capitular y Colombina of Seville, and concerning the papal Villa of the Magliana, was composed in the first months of 1515 on the occasion of the trip to Rome of Isabella d’Este, Marchesa di Mantova, and subjected to a long and perhaps not definitive revision. Aside from the recurrent praises of the pope, Leo X, and of Rome and the villa itself (the latter elaborated according to established Albertian conventions), some aspects of particular interest and significance are worth pointing out: the description of the pictorial cycle in the villa, not previously mentioned by other sources, which was commissioned by Julius II and celebrated his military successes; the careful and precise description of the various phases of the papal hunts in the Roman campagna; and the leading role of Isabella d’Este, whose speech, delivered at the end of the hunt before Leo X and the most important prelates of the Sacro Collegio, occupies a good half of the text (another episode not previously documented in other contemporary sources and until now ignored). Also important is the way the Marchesana’s oration is set out, touching upon crucial issues of domestic and foreign affairs, as if intended to furnish Giovanni de’ Medici, just recently elected pope, with a detailed and operative program: from urban interventions in Rome, regarding the recovery and conservation of ancient ruins and residential housing, to the theme of the crusade and relations among the regional Italian states, and the thorny and very timely questions of the lawfulness of the duel and of bellum iustum (just war). A more detailed examination of Serena’s text and especially of Isabella’s contributions, which offers food for thought on multiple levels, is currently in progressI documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.