Identity transitions out of sport represent a still unexplored research interest in pedagogy, even if identity and related existential crises has been well stud- ied by the pedagogical literature in recent decades, thanks to the postmod- ern condition that has also loaded of seriousness individual and collective choice and guidance processes. Identity crisis and personal and professional existential redefinitions were just some of the issues that pedagogy intended to investigate. Among these, however, the sports context still seems to be relegated to the margins. If sport is to be considered a context with a high emotional-affective impact for athletes who live it from a young age, what happens when an élite athlete decides, voluntarily or not, to abandon sports career? What scenarios are envisioned and what opportunities are granted to athletes? To analyze the phenomenon in depth, a case study on a world class trampoline gymnast was conduct, using narrative inquiry. The qualita- tive research followed the athlete’s identity transition out of sport process at the end of his sports career over 36 months, during which semi-structured interviews were conducted. This allowed us to reconstruct the processuality of the phenomenon, through a conceptual network that emerged from data analysis thanks to ATLAS. ti 6.0 software.
Le transizioni identitarie in ambito sportivo rappresentano una pista di ri- cerca ancora piuttosto inesplorata in ambito pedagogico, seppur il tema del- l’identità e delle relative crisi esistenziali sia stato ben approfondito dalla letteratura pedagogica negli ultimi decenni, complice anche la condizione postmoderna che ha ulteriormente caricato di drammaticità i processi di scelta e di orientamento individuali e collettivi. Crisi d’identità e ridefinizioni esistenziali personali e professionali sono state solamente alcune delle te- matiche che la pedagogia ha inteso investigare; tra di queste, però, l’ambito sportivo sembra ancora essere relegato ai margini. Se lo sport è da ritenere un contesto ad alto impatto emotivo-affettivo per gli atleti che lo vivono sin da giovane età, ci si domanda cosa accada allorquando un atleta d’èlite de- cida, in maniera volontaria o meno, di abbandonare la propria carriera spor- tiva, quali scenari gli si prefigurino e quali opportunità gli siano concesse. Per analizzare il fenomeno in profondità, è stato condotto uno studio di casosu un ginnasta di classe mondiale di trampolino elastico, attraverso l’utilizzo della narrazione di sè. La ricerca qualitativa ha seguito il processo di transi- zione identitaria di fine carriera dell’atleta nell’arco di 36 mesi, durante i quali sono state condotte delle interviste semi-strutturate che ci hanno permesso di ricostruire la processualità del fenomeno, attraverso una rete concettuale emersa grazie all’ausilio del software ATLAS. ti 6.0.
Sport d'élite e transizioni identitarie. Uno studio qualitativo su un ginnasta di classe mondiale di trampolino elastico
bellantonio s.
Identity transitions out of sport represent a still unexplored research interest in pedagogy, even if identity and related existential crises has been well stud- ied by the pedagogical literature in recent decades, thanks to the postmod- ern condition that has also loaded of seriousness individual and collective choice and guidance processes. Identity crisis and personal and professional existential redefinitions were just some of the issues that pedagogy intended to investigate. Among these, however, the sports context still seems to be relegated to the margins. If sport is to be considered a context with a high emotional-affective impact for athletes who live it from a young age, what happens when an élite athlete decides, voluntarily or not, to abandon sports career? What scenarios are envisioned and what opportunities are granted to athletes? To analyze the phenomenon in depth, a case study on a world class trampoline gymnast was conduct, using narrative inquiry. The qualita- tive research followed the athlete’s identity transition out of sport process at the end of his sports career over 36 months, during which semi-structured interviews were conducted. This allowed us to reconstruct the processuality of the phenomenon, through a conceptual network that emerged from data analysis thanks to ATLAS. ti 6.0 software.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.