Inter-state cooperation on the management of migrants flows and irregular borders crossings at external borders is focusing on different forms of con-tainment, on a tightening of domestic disciplines and on a related expan-sion of (pretended) spheres of discretion of States in relation to the respect of the conventional obligations assumed in human rights treaties. In this complicated scenario, the procedural rule prohibiting the collective expul-sions of aliens – embodied in Art. 4, Prot. 4, of the ECHR and in Art. 19 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights – acquires an uncomfortable and uneasy role: an ‘hinge-rule’, intersecting social needs today more di-vergent than ever before. According to the Author, this unprecedented is-sue, which is leading to increased conflicts between legal stakeholders with different social exigencies and expectations, emerges from the revirement of the European Court of Human Rights in the judgment N. D. and N.T. v. Spain, a controversial decision in which the Grand Chamber declared the non-violation of Art. 4, Prot. 4.
Dal revirement della Grande Camera della Corte Europea dei Diritti dell'Uomo nella sentenza N. D. e N.T. contro la Spagna, decisione controversa in cui è stata dichiarata la non violazione della norma (procedurale) che vieta le espulsioni collettive di stranieri contenuta nell'Art. 4, Prot. 4, della CEDU (e nell'art.19 della Carta Europea dei Diritti Fondamentali) emerge non solo il progressivo irrigidimento delle procedure statali di ammissione alla frontiera ma anche il ruolo scomodo e disagevole del divieto di espulsioni collettive: quello di "norma cerniera", che interseca esigenze sociali divergenti e che, secondo l'Autore, sta portando ad un aumento dei conflitti tra diversi stakeholders portatori di esigenze e aspettative sociali in questo momento storico molto divaricate.
Contenimento dei flussi migratori e tutela dei diritti fondamentali tra effettività e mito: il divieto di espulsione collettiva di stranieri dopo il caso N.T. e N.D.
eugenio zaniboni
Inter-state cooperation on the management of migrants flows and irregular borders crossings at external borders is focusing on different forms of con-tainment, on a tightening of domestic disciplines and on a related expan-sion of (pretended) spheres of discretion of States in relation to the respect of the conventional obligations assumed in human rights treaties. In this complicated scenario, the procedural rule prohibiting the collective expul-sions of aliens – embodied in Art. 4, Prot. 4, of the ECHR and in Art. 19 of the European Charter of Fundamental Rights – acquires an uncomfortable and uneasy role: an ‘hinge-rule’, intersecting social needs today more di-vergent than ever before. According to the Author, this unprecedented is-sue, which is leading to increased conflicts between legal stakeholders with different social exigencies and expectations, emerges from the revirement of the European Court of Human Rights in the judgment N. D. and N.T. v. Spain, a controversial decision in which the Grand Chamber declared the non-violation of Art. 4, Prot. 4.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.