The issues related to the imbalances in the distribution of economic resources within States, which have worsened because of the serious economic crises of recent years, challenge scholars of international law and European Union law in many ways. This research investigates, in particular, the consequences of excessive economic polarization on the stability of supranational legal systems and examines, on the basis of a careful analysis of available practices, the legal principles that come to the fore in situations where the collapse of legal and economic structures is likely to threaten the very existence of the State. Through this perspective, it seeks, in particular, to enhance the role of those instruments provided by supranational law capable, in a reformist outlook, of limiting the effects of crises. Thus the processes of allocation of economic resources within States, traditionally ascribed to the economic sovereignty of States, fall within the sphere of interest of public international law as much as legally relevant facts, in terms of the contribution they make to the stability of the legal system. This is a result of the fact that inside the very concept of State sovereignty there is a twofold matrix inherent in the capacity of the State to permanently implement international commands in its domestic legal system and to contribute to ensuring their compliance with international law. The tendency that emerges from international practice to anticipate the safeguarding of economic stability as valuable good testifies to the intensification of the social need to ensure the orderly conduct of economic transactions and, at the same time, to maintain the integrity of the final good of international peace and security. These two fundamental social requirements cannot but be achieved through a renewed understanding of the exercise of the "sovereign" powers of individual States in economic matters (and this also with a view to pursuing the targets of the theories based on the market economy). Therefore, thanks to the implications of this approach, the features of a renewed idea of economic sovereignty emerge, a responsible sovereignty based on the reassessment of the exercise of State powers in their dual role of implementing agents of international law and its guardians.
I problemi legati agli squilibri nella distribuzione delle risorse economiche interne agli Stati sono sempre più al centro del dibattito scientifico del diritto internazionale e del diritto dell’Unione europea. Il volume indaga sui principi giuridici, alcuni dei quali in via di affermazione (come quello della good governance), attraverso cui il diritto internazionale o sovranazionale tende ad ampliare la sfera delle valutazioni effettuate sui processi di allocazione delle risorse economiche interne agli Stati (tradizionalmente ascritti all’ambito del dominio riservato) e ad anticipare il presidio del bene (intermedio) della stabilità, al fine di garantire l’ordinato svolgimento delle transazioni economiche e, allo stesso tempo, di mantenere l’integrità del bene finale della pace e della sicurezza internazionale. Emergono così, sulla base di una attenta analisi della prassi delle Nazioni Unite e delle giurisdizioni internazionali, i tratti di una rinnovata idea della sovranità, che poggia sulla riconsiderazione dei modi di esercizio dei poteri da parte degli Stati, nella loro duplice veste di agenti attuatori del diritto internazionale e custodi della sua applicazione.
Sovranità responsabile e processi redistributivi della ricchezza nel diritto internazionale
Eugenio Zaniboni
The issues related to the imbalances in the distribution of economic resources within States, which have worsened because of the serious economic crises of recent years, challenge scholars of international law and European Union law in many ways. This research investigates, in particular, the consequences of excessive economic polarization on the stability of supranational legal systems and examines, on the basis of a careful analysis of available practices, the legal principles that come to the fore in situations where the collapse of legal and economic structures is likely to threaten the very existence of the State. Through this perspective, it seeks, in particular, to enhance the role of those instruments provided by supranational law capable, in a reformist outlook, of limiting the effects of crises. Thus the processes of allocation of economic resources within States, traditionally ascribed to the economic sovereignty of States, fall within the sphere of interest of public international law as much as legally relevant facts, in terms of the contribution they make to the stability of the legal system. This is a result of the fact that inside the very concept of State sovereignty there is a twofold matrix inherent in the capacity of the State to permanently implement international commands in its domestic legal system and to contribute to ensuring their compliance with international law. The tendency that emerges from international practice to anticipate the safeguarding of economic stability as valuable good testifies to the intensification of the social need to ensure the orderly conduct of economic transactions and, at the same time, to maintain the integrity of the final good of international peace and security. These two fundamental social requirements cannot but be achieved through a renewed understanding of the exercise of the "sovereign" powers of individual States in economic matters (and this also with a view to pursuing the targets of the theories based on the market economy). Therefore, thanks to the implications of this approach, the features of a renewed idea of economic sovereignty emerge, a responsible sovereignty based on the reassessment of the exercise of State powers in their dual role of implementing agents of international law and its guardians.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.