This paper discusses five new documents concerning Iulii which come from the 1999-2002 excavations at Privernum. The texts nn. 1-2 are dedications to Iulia Synegdemis, a freedwoman, wife of Diomedes, Aug. libertus and procurator. Her husband, previously unknown, may well be identified as an Augustus or Caligola’s freedman. One of these text in particular is an honorary inscription dedicated to Synegdemis by the Privernum community. Receiving public honors was uncommon for a freedwoman, therefore we can assume that the couple of liberti had obtained the favour of Privernates through evergetic actions. The presence of a procurator in Privernum needs an explanation. We can hypothesise that the man Diomedes was in the colony either owing to his imperial commitment or because he had buy lands in the pontina region. Moreover, two texts concern a certain [I]uliu[s] who build a very large public building, possibly the theatre or the porticus near the theatre, while one more inscription is a fragmented honorary text concerning a certain C. Iulius C. f. Ouf. [---] which display the date “July the 30, 193 A.D”.
Si presentano 5 nuovi documenti rinvenuti a Privernum durante le campagne di scavo degli anni 1999- 2002 tutti riferibili a degli Iulii. I primi due testi ricordano la liberta Iulia Synegdemis moglie del procurator Diomedes, Aug. libertus, non altrimenti noto e, probabilmente, manomesso da Augusto o Caligola. Poiché uno dei due testi è un’epigrafe onoraria posta dalla comunità di Privernum, è logico pensare che la coppia si sia conquistata il favore della città laziale tramite significativi atti evergetici. La presenza del procurator a Privernum è da collegare o a possessi imperiali nella zona pontina o a investimenti personali del liberto. Due degli altri documenti pubblicati, entrambi frammentari, riguardano la costruzione di un imponente edificio pubblico da parte di uno [I]uliu[s]. In base al contesto di rinvenimento e alla cronologia delle strutture e dell’epigrafe si ipotizza possa trattarsi dell’iscrizione dedicatoria del teatro o del portico prossimo all’edificio teatrale. L’ultimo documento, infine, è una dedica onoraria frammentaria per un C. Iulius C. f. Ouf. [---] datata al 30 luglio 193 d.C.
Un nuovo procurator Augusti libertino della prima età imperiale e gli Iulii di Privernum
This paper discusses five new documents concerning Iulii which come from the 1999-2002 excavations at Privernum. The texts nn. 1-2 are dedications to Iulia Synegdemis, a freedwoman, wife of Diomedes, Aug. libertus and procurator. Her husband, previously unknown, may well be identified as an Augustus or Caligola’s freedman. One of these text in particular is an honorary inscription dedicated to Synegdemis by the Privernum community. Receiving public honors was uncommon for a freedwoman, therefore we can assume that the couple of liberti had obtained the favour of Privernates through evergetic actions. The presence of a procurator in Privernum needs an explanation. We can hypothesise that the man Diomedes was in the colony either owing to his imperial commitment or because he had buy lands in the pontina region. Moreover, two texts concern a certain [I]uliu[s] who build a very large public building, possibly the theatre or the porticus near the theatre, while one more inscription is a fragmented honorary text concerning a certain C. Iulius C. f. Ouf. [---] which display the date “July the 30, 193 A.D”.I documenti in IRIS sono protetti da copyright e tutti i diritti sono riservati, salvo diversa indicazione.