Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione
Analysis of the Development of Gender Stereotypes and Sexist Attitudes Within a Group of Italian High School Students and Teachers: A Grounded Theory Investigation
2025-01-01 Sulla, Francesco; Agueli, Barbara; Lavanga, Andreana; Logrieco, MARIA GRAZIA MADA; Fantinelli, Stefania; Esposito, Ciro
Environmental Education in Instructional Design and Museum Education: Impacts on Identity Construction, Social Welfare and Future Horizons
2024-01-01 Berardinetti, Valentina; Finestrone, Francesca; Lavanga, Andreana; Toto, GIUSI ANTONIA
Praise as a Gift in the Relationship between Teachers and Their Students
2023-01-01 Lavanga, Andreana; Sulla, Francesco
Promoting Well-Being from a Gender Perspective: A Systematic Review of Interventions Using Digital Tools and Serious Games
2024-01-01 Esposito, C.; Sulla, F.; Toto, G. A.; Berardinetti, V.; Lavanga, A.; Savino, F. P.; Iuso, S.; Logrieco, M. G. M.; Ascorra Costa, M. E. P
The use of Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) in teachers' training: a scoping review
2023-01-01 Ragni, B; Toto, Ga; di Furia, M; Lavanga, A; Limone, P