Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Lettere, Beni Culturali, Scienze della Formazione
Al di là del principio...del gioco: Serious Games e formazione docenti
2022-01-01 Guarini, P.; Traetta, L.; Ragni, B.
Digital Resilience and Psychological Wellbeing of Italian Higher Education Students: An Exploratory Study
2022-01-01 Ragni, Benedetta; Guarini, Piergiorgio; Toto, Giusi Antonia; Limone, Pierpaolo
Initial teacher training and digital skills: a possible interpretation of the reforms underway Formazione iniziale insegnanti e competenze digitali: una possibile lettura delle riforme in atto
2022-01-01 Limone, Pierpaolo; Toto, GIUSI ANTONIA; Ragni, Benedetta
Psychological, Relational, and Digital Dimensions of Teaching as Fundamental 21st-century Educational Skills.
2022-01-01 Limone, Pierpaolo; Ragni, Benedetta; Toto, GIUSI ANTONIA
Resilience, Positivity and Social Support as Perceived Stress Predictors among University Students
2023-01-01 Litwic-Kaminska, K.; Blachnio, A.; Kapsa, I.; Brzezinski, L.; Kopowski, J.; Stojkovic, M.; Hinic, D.; Krsmanovic, I.; Ragni, B.; Sulla, F.; Limone, P.
Teachers’ emotions, technostress, and burnout in distance learning during the COVID-19 pandemic
2022-01-01 Sulla, Francesco; Ragni, Benedetta; D'Angelo, Miriana; Rollo, Dolores
The epidemiology and effects of video game addiction: A systematic review and meta-analysis
2023-01-01 Limone, P.; Ragni, B.; Toto, G. A.
The use of Digital Game-Based Learning (DGBL) in teachers' training: a scoping review
2023-01-01 Ragni, B; Toto, Ga; di Furia, M; Lavanga, A; Limone, P
Validation of the self-compassion scale in a sample of Italian special needs teacher
2023-01-01 Ragni, B.; Sulla, F.; Toto, G. A.; Limone, P.
Validation of the self-compassion scale in a sample of Italian special needs teacher
2023-01-01 Ragni, Benedetta; Sulla, Francesco; Toto, GIUSI ANTONIA; Limone, Pierpaolo